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Everything posted by Joannesrats

  1. I only spent 4, but it’s still sad. I haven’t been banned and I will probably still use both forums, but so far I like this one more. At least tonight.
  2. Speechless Replay You and I ARUTW Dope her ballads are her best, fight me
  3. I never had a truly negative experience with you and I know you’re a kind person, but please try to understand why it hurt some people. You’re welcome to stay, and hopefully help foster a new forum of positivity and introspection
  4. Thank god, what about KatieJudas?
  5. Guys wait did HybridAT make it over here?
  6. Girl - look at us now, we’re still messy
  7. This might be the funniest damn image I’ve ever seen
  8. Regina George is gone? Pity.
  9. Could y’all imagine the GGD chat room rn if we still had it?
  10. All jokes aside, this is sad. Some of us spent years on that site fostering relationships with each other and building a culture on it. I’m sad because those memories were tainted by recent events, but I just hope this forum doesn’t have a constant thought of making sure you don’t become like GGD - there were amazing and bad parts, but if you focus on avoiding the bad you can miss making the good.
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