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Everything posted by Joannesrats

  1. The chainsmokers WISH they could have written a song as good as 1000 Hawks girl
  2. How can you say that with full confidence while Sour Candy is RIGHT THEREEE
  3. I love 1000 Ducks, but better than Replay? Let’s be realistic, please.....
  4. Doesn't sound like it'll be much different, but I'm excited for the BTS stuff! Too bad I don't have one of these fancy LG tvs.
  5. I am PRAYING for her to be the opening act and I am almost expecting it!
  6. I wanted her to be on Chromatica sooo badly. Imagine her on SC or a Rain On Me remix!!
  7. I noticed that too! I that’s a feeling she did like a one take vocal recording of the whole show just for the mix and rehearsal purposes.
  8. You have time to join the right side of history!
  9. Serving looks, vocals, and attitude tonight, Rina Sawayama performed her single ‘XS’ for her first television performance for Jimmy Fallon’s late show!
  10. Avoid nominations and voting for being the only way of becoming a mod. That is a popularity contest and won’t be the best way to handle it. They should be application based. Right now, I think that we should have a few “global” mods and then mods for each subsection/community area. I would love to be a mod and I’m afraid that I’m not popular enough to be up high on a nomination or voting system just because I’m not the most active poster. I’m an avid reader and lurker, but I don’t post on everything. That shouldn’t be in the way of someone becoming a mod.
  11. I am not looking forward to the actual ceremony if y'all are showing how bad the taste is already...
  12. Didn't say I didn't like it! Just said it isn't the best - Dope is a better song. Donatella is fun, though
  13. You want Donatella to win but you’re talking about some being dragged for liking Dope?
  14. YES! As y’all SHOULD!!! Dope is SLEPT on and is her second best ballad and y’all bottoms will be TAUGHT!
  15. Submitted! My one 11 score might shock some
  16. Frankly, it is a thread about kpop. I can share my distaste for it and list reasons without it being off topic. What was rude, however, was you saying I need to get an understanding of it and talking to me like I don’t know anything. You’d get a lot more people to like kpop if you didn’t speak to them like idiots and call them pretentious. This is why I won’t get involved in kpop stan culture.
  17. You’re taking this wayyyy to seriously. I know there are successful korean solo artists that didn’t go through this process. I’m talking about the groups that did. And also, I read most of your long dissertation on it and I’m still going to think it is cheap and commodified! Most artists in America come from years of work before getting into a label. Most kpop group performers have little to no stage presence. You can’t train that. Also, why would a label bother putting sooo much money into training someone when they could wait to see who, organically, becomes more successful? Again, it appears that you’re taking this too personally. I don’t like kpop and I definitely don’t like the culture around it. If the fans of it didn’t get so bent out of shape when you criticize it I would actually try to listen to more of it but it all just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
  18. Honestly, it happens with almost all kpop groups. And it doesn't make artists - it makes employees. The 'artists' are the ones that are making the music, producing it, writing it. Most of these people are singing someone else's song for a check. And yes, this happens in America, too, but we don't have these training programs that are years long that completely exploit and ruin people. They have no control over what they do, who they do it with, when they do it, or where they do it. It's sickening. We can't support this type of exploitation and behavior when this is what caused Gaga to break under Troy Carter.
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