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Everything posted by Joannesrats

  1. What other colors were in it? The jewels?
  2. I may not to be able to attend so here's my red carpet look from home!
  3. if someone submits a neon look for the pride challenge that doesn't make it a neon challenge. you can have a pride look without it being neon, i think making it specifically neon would be super fun
  4. not this post dragging my a** being the most popular post of the thread
  5. I would LOVE this. My celeb has super dark skin so she always looks GORGEOUS with bright colors like that.
  6. then they should've chosen a better celebrity
  7. submitted already! did i jump the gun? probably!
  8. Please let us know if you need anything, dear
  9. This was the roughest elimination yet
  10. I’m happy @Twitteris still here but this feels like a betrayal
  11. I’m so sad I voted for you @Franch Toast
  12. I think you've been in the bottom more tho! Although who's to say how I would've faired in the two challenges I missed
  13. Then why didn't you win this round?
  14. I have also made this statement, for the record
  15. Don't like being asked the hard-pressing questions, huh? Oh how the turntables... Now you know how we feel!
  16. You reacted with 'shook' - are you really surprised by my answer? I thought it was obvious!
  17. I really am upset about the two going into the vote off - I picture the final two as @Twitterand @Franch Toast
  18. Yes, actually! @JennyWayne's trio should've been in the bottom! I mean this in the nicest way, but I can't think of any winning trio that would've included a Panic! At The Disco song, much less that one. Same for Boulevard of Broken Dreams. Green Day has hours worth of better music that isn't overplayed and over-discussed. The best song in that trio, though was Saturday from Fall Out Boy. They're one of my favorite bands and that's one of my favorite deep cuts - I almost voted for the trio because of that song alone. However, I still think mine was better
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