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Everything posted by Joannesrats

  1. why did you allow brexit to happen you old bat
  2. the witching hour, the title is right there, king
  3. Even if it wasn't from this game, it's accurate, and probably applicable to many of Lana's looks
  4. They aren’t conspiracy theories - there’s a leaker!
  5. to be clear, i wasn't rooting for you
  6. and i came back! something you FAILED to do!
  7. i'm tired of the eliminated hoes acting as if their opinions didn't eliminate them in the first place!
  8. just remember that britney needs support right now
  9. my money on who the judges are for this are Mr. Sims and Dan's Wad
  10. considering it was postponed to next year this is expected
  11. Didn't realize that they were an official site - and Gaga is going to NYC, it checks out
  12. I don't think it's real as I doubt Tony will be performing due to his dementia, but I'm excited to see
  13. Lorde and Corvus bc they were eliminated while being high-scoring last season (and some inside tea) and another user whose name I forget
  14. a judge that can't handle criticism and then calls the contestants 'fragile people' seems to be a relatively fragile person themself!
  15. they're able to continue playing by being judges, they'll be ok
  16. i just know how game plot twists go at least you remembered who i am this time
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