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Everything posted by Joannesrats

  1. i got carpaltunnel trying to scroll through this post, can you not abuse the text resize function
  2. so do we have a deadline? lets not give people 4 days, lets do 24 hours and keep it cute pls
  3. i was told that this game was full of drama, i'm giving drama
  4. i never said yours was bad! i just said it was a little boring. mine was more interesting, whether or not it may have been scored better
  5. anyways this look is boring and should've been like #8
  6. i believe that you're now the one bending and stretching the definition, love
  7. and yet you're the one that was awarded with the 'righteous reacher' award, no? sounds like someone has made an impression and a career of stretching and reaching!
  8. ava max stans really do be bold out here huh
  9. well close them back up it's distracting
  10. kindness is reserved for those whom deserve it
  11. this really is one of her best looks, this deserves this placement (if not higher)
  12. you could've extended some kindness to me when you asked 'who tf' i was in the daily conversation thread, but i guess i didn't get the same courtesy as some of your friends
  13. Hoping someone feels bad and guilty is being needlessly, you don't know what's going on in my life
  14. I don't because nobody knew and the statement should have been made before this round even started
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