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Everything posted by Joannesrats

  1. judge number 4 is so valid maroon is adding brown to red, burgundy is adding purple to red
  2. no, it's a shiny wine color, obviously!
  3. ok lets shoot for 3:10pm guys lets try again
  4. his lantern burnt out, hence the spilling of his ink
  5. i think we're ALL playing on the clock right now
  6. Literally, if people can pick out 3 songs from the entire world of music in 24 hours for trio then they can google "kendall jenner yellow" and find a pretty picture
  7. Are you grading with a curve?
  8. at this point i've forgotten which look i submitted, it'll be a surprise to all of us
  9. then they shouldn't be in the competition anymore! it is not fair to the rest of us to have to sit around and wait for a few users when the rest of us have our stuff to you after 12 hours
  10. I'd be blessed to have this many chances to be late, mess up, or just not do my job at my job
  11. i'm gonna give results my own damn self RESULTS IN 58 MINUTES NO VOTES FROM JUDGES, BASED ON VIBES
  12. don't play with us dog or we'll take you to the pound
  13. hitting page 150 before the 3rd round of results......i love jokes i love comedy clubs
  14. he's in the bathroom with the bouncer
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