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The Popster
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About Tsunade

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  • Fave albumChromatica
  • Fave songEnigma

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  1. I mean...you didn't lie. I'm still in shock at the visible wig cap at that event where she was photographed with Katy. Her glam (hair, makeup and outfit) for the online concert was a shocking contrast in the right direction. She looked stunning. Sarah said Gaga likes messy looks sometimes, but they do realize we can tell messy apart from badly executed right? I get confused sometimes because they get it so right at times that when they mess up (badly) it doesn't make sense. I do have high hopes for the Gucci promo era though. I wonder what direction she'll take.
  2. People are disgusting, how horrible. I downloaded the app for a few days and deleted immediately after, never looked back.
  3. And since when was Gaga the one following trends? If I wanted to stan a detached artist I would've gone for Adele, Lorde or Beyonce. It sounds obnoxious, the idea of her getting bigger and disregarding her relationship with her fans because they allegedly (rightfully so) call out her team. The hate and abuse is a no no, but we've BEEN known that they're incompetent in a lot of areas. And as for the Brazil situation, I crawled out of my cave to say that this is some embarrassing BS. Just what is actually going on in her camp and what is the reasoning behind her disastrous marketing as of late?
  4. Idk but she better do Enigma. I can only imagine what it would be like with the vocals and the beat live, I would quiver.
  5. The thing is, many of the reviews said that the quality was not good. There were issues with blending and pigment. The products don't have to be superb, but at least decent. This is why I say it feels rushed or like an afterthought, it seems like they just wanted to pump out quick and easy products without actually putting in the work. That doesn't sound like Gaga when everyone who works with her raves on and on about how much of a detail-oriented perfectionist she is. Personally, I think there's no excuse for mediocrity when people are spending money. This is especially applicable when you factor in the die-hard fans who want to support Gaga and the brand. The Dom Perignon partnership screams opulence but ironically that is also evident when you look at the price tag.
  6. I was on YouTube and randomly a video popped up of a makeup artist reviewing the Stupid Love palette. Naturally, I dived into a sea of Haus Labs review videos (my first time doing so) and I had just noticed that a lot of them were...not so good. One makeup artist discusses a bad experience at the launch, and many others share their opinion about how the products basically do not live up to the hype. On a positive note, I know that the brand is selling really well and beyond what was initially expected. I believe it was Top 5 on a most profitable list or something. But, the brand also seems like what I initially did not want to believe it was: a cash grab. Gaga is known to the public as a groundbreaking, unexpected and creative artist. I think Haus Labs puts out lukewarm/safe products. When I think groundbreaking, I recall the Fame perfume and how Gaga was so creatively dedicated to its launch. However, I also recall us finding out that Gaga wanted nothing to do with selling perfumes. So when we have a brand like Haus Labs which is being peddled to us as a brand where Gaga has a lot of input and control, it seems a bit odd that it would be lacking in so many areas. I'm just curious because from the brand being sold on Amazon exclusively, to the lukewarm products and lack of creativity it reads more as an afterthought or like one of her recent numerous sponsorships/partnerships...and even some of those gave us more life (hey Dom Perignon). My opinion is that the brand could use an extreme revamp involving formula/packaging/promo and so on. And from the perspective of not only myself as an individual who loves getting dolled up but also as a Gaga fan, nothing Haus Labs put out (besides that fabulous eyeliner) has made me want to invest my coins in their products. It's a shame because I feel like there is so much potential with Gaga and makeup. She doesn't have to launch a million products all at once, but it didn't have to be presented to us as an afterthought.
  7. It’s about time someone put their foot down and did something about the growing dumpster fire that is the internet. I understand it could be near impossible to contain negative content online, we are human at the end of the day, but I am totally here for censoring this type of content forever. In an every changing world I don’t think there is a place for extreme conservatives who refuse to acknowledge that we are all individuals with different wants and needs. Good riddance and I hope none of these big companies back down.
  8. It's not that we're surprised, the general consensus on Twitter is that her team could have done many things even with the pandemic to keep the era alive. I think what many of us can generally agree on is that we don't really understand the complete and utter silence with hardly any video/photoshoot/performances/interviews put out. Literally the only thing we got in the past few months is cookies lol, and those require us to open up our wallets too.
  9. I have been resurrected just to say that I am in disbelief that they really have the audacity to think we are gullible or delusional enough to consider this era wonderful or great or fantastic or wholesome in any way. Edit: Girl I deleted the rest of my response because I saw a thread about Traumatic promo complaining locked. The point is, I'm aggravated.
  10. Thank you very much for repeating what I said, that they can do whatever they want and she could've potentially kicked off a new thing.
  11. Have y'all noticed since Gaga starred in ASIB and slayed, set ablaze and owned Hollywood for the entire era that more and more artists are trying to get into acting. Harry Styles is doing a million acting roles ATM, and Selena has just been announced as the lead actress in some biopic. I could've sworn there were more but I forgot. Is acting the new makeup brand? I know I might sound like a hater but I cringe when other artists try to mimic Gaga's enigmatic career choices. Of course, I'm not saying other artists should not attempt big screen roles, but I do think Gaga just potentially kicked off the next 'thing' for Gen Z artists to saturate.
  12. I won’t be as critical regarding the lack of performances, it is very clear why she didn’t give us any (except VMA’s). I am, however, critical of now under-prepared they were when it came to visuals. As I have stated before, it should have been either a: a visual album for very obvious reasons or b: had numerous music videos shot and completed + ready for release. There is no reason we never had an online listening party, or why the website never launched, or why she simply didn’t dress up at home and take pics with a professional camera and post them online to keep the hype train going for a bit. Simple things like this can keep us engaged and interested in the era. I get annoyed when I see an extravagantly visual artist like Gaga get stingy with her projects, like what else are you waiting for? It’s your long awaited return to pop. 911 was proof she still has that fire in her. I would’ve liked to see more of that, but oh well.
  13. The replies are pure comedy, the way I CACKLED! This fanbase is just bored, all we need is a little spark and we still can come out in full force like it's 2010.
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