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Everything posted by PETTY

  1. Wow JLo at a new high! Congrats @Twitter
  2. No I’m trying to figure out how your look would be scored lower than kris’ look. Even tho you placed higher. Kris should not have gotten a 10 for a look she wore on her way to target
  3. How did judge no. 1 give this Kim look a 9.5 but gave the Kris look a 10. Judges shouldn’t be trolling tbh. Time for someone to be fired or we attack
  4. yikes this brown round chile alot of you b*ches should have used the prism
  5. You, me and @Elizabeth II should rent this and make it a trap house
  6. Japan: Go girl give us nothing! Luckily, the song is pretty good. But I would’ve like to know more about the artist and why you picked the song, personally. Good pick tho @Roman USA: @Dirkje Day Two (Overall): another good round of songs imo. Obviously one of them being my own hopefully day 3 ends with a bang
  7. This should make y’all appreciate the trio results timing
  8. Yes it was released same year but months after ji’s song both bops tho
  9. There was some controversy over gwen’s baby don’t lie sounding too much like this song when it was released. But ji was too unknown so no one really cared
  10. Thanks luv! Glad you enjoyed, I recommend getting into some of her other music. Especially Encore, Perfume, Save Me For Later and Nothing ❤️ and yes Gwen’s producer definitely was inspired by the beat for Baby Don’t Lie and thought no one would notice because she’s a small artist. Both songs have that 2003 lumidee influence 😍
  11. Chile: this is a cute little bop. She’s definitely an auto tune legend. I like them as a duo and I enjoyed the video. Thanks for all the info included in the presentation! Excited to hear more from these artists @Andreu Estonia: let me start by saying these are my favorite visuals of the day so far. Love all the info included and the aesthetic of it all. The song is good and I’ve heard of Kerli but only really have listened to 2 of her songs but this song was a good choice @Joesuda
  12. Thailand: I think this may be my favorite presentation and song today! I love the clean layout of your presentation but more so, I love this song. The production of the song is great and I think his voice is beautiful. He’s also a cutie thanks for introducing us @Gypsy Life Day 1 (Overall): a lot of strong submissions today, I think it was a great start to the competition! I’m so excited for the rest
  13. South Korea is iconic and has infinite options. Put some respeck!
  14. The best song on Chromatica deserves a music video. So the only option is 1000 Doves
  15. Australia: a beautiful presentation! I love the song. I think this is a strong entry and I will definitely be looking more into this artist. Thanks for introducing her to us @Elvira Germany: ok I really like this song, it’s super sexy and I love the overall vibe. She’s definitely a server and I’m excited to hear more from her. This is one of my favorite songs so far @Juju Spain: I like this song because its different from the rest of the songs that were released today. I’m snapping my fingers chile, it’s an interesting mix of sounds and I like how unique it is @danwasd
  16. Singapore: I really love this song, I think it’s catchy and and I’m excited to discover more from this artist. The video is fun and I love all the info you included. Thanks for introducing her to us! @Franch Toast
  17. Feeling confident about my entry this round
  18. New Zealand: I love the vibe of the song. The chorus was a nice electronic surprise. I also love the meaning. A solid entry methinks @Bakugo
  19. This might be a hit game @little legend about time it was a slow burner but it’s kicked off methinks A challenge every other day to keep the momentum pls
  20. I was wondering the same. Hmmm looks like someone paying the host under the table
  21. Delusional got ha wish. We expect nothing but top 2 on this round @Delusional
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