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Everything posted by PETTY

  1. I’m quitting! Too much inconsistency
  2. Beyoncé going to get the no. 1 methinks
  3. Interested to know how this look is going with the theme but my high fashion tuxedo was not. Fear of Androgyny methinks
  4. Now hold awn wasn’t this the same b*ch saying that it wasn’t cute to submit a funeral look showing genitals but they wanted that strip club Cardi look? consistency, learn about it.
  5. Looks like the cool new thing is to rate @PETTY harshly for ratings I continuously serve you dusty a** b*ches F A S H I O N but it might just be too much to handle. let me start submitting bottom of the barrel looks like @Delusional does. Might as well keep Free falling on the leaderboard
  6. Definitely ready to fight tomorrow
  7. You mean to tell me we lost the best mod this forum had to offer?
  8. But no one really cares what this murderer thinks. Critics aren’t going to say, "Gaga was so bad because Patrizia thinks so!" Theres been hundreds of instances where the person an actor was playing didn’t agree with the way they were portrayed and it didn’t affect the film or critic’s opinions in any way.
  9. No she really doesn’t if Ridley wanted this woman as a part of the filming process in any way, he would’ve made that happen. I bet Patrizia expects to be invited to the premier as well lmfao. Not gonna happen. She’s a criminal ffs
  10. Patrizia Reggiani is calling out Lady Gaga, who is starring as Reggiani in Ridley Scott’s upcoming movie “House of Gucci.” “I’m annoyed by the fact that Lady Gaga is portraying me in the new Ridley Scott film without even having the courtesy or the good sense to come and meet me,” Reggiani told the Italian national news agency. “It’s nothing to do with money because I won’t be taking a single cent from the film. It’s about common sense and respect.” She continued, “I believe that any good actor should first get to know the person that they are meant to be playing,” Reggiani said, adding, “I think it is not right that I wasn’t contacted. And I say this with all the sympathy and appreciation that I have for her.” Sweetie, you’re a murderer and we’re in a pandemic. Imagine being so petty as to thinking you’re owed a meeting You signed over your rights for portrayal, so you’re gonna take what you get luvs!
  11. What in the rushed submission period hell? a 24 hour submission period is unheard of! Flop megarate!
  12. I just submitted and I feel like I took a huge risk with this one. It will either be a critically praised or critically panned but it fits the theme perfectly imo so I hope it pays off
  13. Not me skipping over the theme. I hope we go back to the original colors at some point. Themes getting a little extra imo. We still need blue, pink, purple and orange. I haven’t forgotten
  14. So wait technically @danwasd was 2nd place this round because of his prism that got him 14 points, one more than @Lorde Von Kok
  15. This is the second challenge that I’ve decreased on the leaderboard zenday, ha comeback is upon us
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