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Everything posted by blastertoyo

  1. https://www.instagram.com/p/CQG8XCKlS2r/?utm_medium=copy_link why she only make fragrances from previous eras? First REM now this
  2. It wasn’t originally part of the song production, it was added later on after most of the song was written. There’s an episode on Song Exploder on Netflix where they show the making of the song.
  3. Jenny would be the closest Gaga adjacent character and we love her for it
  4. It’s gossip girl, there’s at least 3 main leads which one
  5. Oh I see but of a missed opportunity but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ at least we have the Chromatica remix albums too to spotlight more lgbtq+ artists
  6. That’s because gaga really matched the Gossip Girl cinematic universe at that time, the music she made, what it was about, her persona, was everything gossip girl also was Gaga right now would show up as like a teacher at Constance or something I’m still down for it though, maybe she could be a special guest at one of their edgy parties and she can be Countess adjacent
  7. Is Kylie LGBT? I thought she was only gonna have lgbtq+ppl cover the songs
  8. I think what we deem as shocking and taboo has changed significantly so it could really go either way, from what we can see in the trailer, there’s more diverse representation and lgbt(?) representation so in that regard seems “better” than the original very interested to see how far they’re gonna push it cuz the premise being an anonymous Instagram account definitely adds some intrigue
  9. Wanted to know if y’all think she should or not
  10. Can you reach me? nO yOu cAnT this sounds like Natasha Bedingfield meets Billie Eilish lmao
  11. What’s a hottie ????? shouldn’t they be called the herd lol or the stallions
  12. liek if u cri evertiem
  13. Yea it makes perfect sense as a community specific flag, much like the lipstick lesbian flag, but for anyone to claim that this should be the new standard for all pride flags completely defeats the purpose of inclusion in the first place since it’s a subdivision of a subdivision in the community, as if there can’t be intersections within the intersex community
  14. Cuz it isn’t lol each individual community has their own flag and the rainbow is “inclusive of them all” in intention
  15. A new section has been added to the inclusive pride flag, a yellow triangle with a purple circle to represent the intersex community. I personally think it’s getting a bit much, not only do these communities have their own flags already, the rainbow flag in itself is meant to be representative of all members of the LGBTQIA2+ community. I completely understand bringing focus to the trailblazing trans and BIPOC community and giving them the attention they deserve when the flag was amended with a section for them. Just from a design perspective I think it’s ugly to have two yellow sections and add a purple circle when the rainbow literally already has yellow and purple. While I understand not everybody who is intersex identifies with this, there have been many intersex individuals who have stated they do not wish to be/ aren’t members of the lgbtq+ community, so it seems like this was definitely an odd choice, especially positioning the new section in a way that seems to imply that the intersex community is somehow more important and impactful than trans and bipoc. It just seems like a joke now to have to add a new section for every single community when the essence of the flag is that everyone overlaps and everyone is included in the community. let me know what you think
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