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Everything posted by blastertoyo

  1. Even Meghan Trainor got promo on that season, Gaga showed up for the gays but did they even know she had an album out
  2. Still so disappointed they didn’t lipsync to a Gaga song in that episode.. because there was no lipsync that episode
  3. https://www.instagram.com/p/CRSty34sw8U/?utm_medium=copy_link
  4. I guess it comes with the territory, at least in your example, for when you’re more alt but you become pop because you become so popular that you kind of lose your edge with Billie though, her whole thing of releasing the first few singles from the album that sound different from her original sound and then drastically switching up her look, just to release basically the same music but worse, is what’s really turning me off personally, as well as the recent news of her antics and insensitive behavior.
  5. after fans were mass canceling their album preorders and vinyl orders because they don’t like her recent behavior and NDA, this honestly seems like a weak response
  6. https://www.instagram.com/p/CRHvSrwDAFn/?utm_medium=copy_link
  7. Gotta milk the “drama” ms Olivia wrote a whole a** album about her eggs so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. sounds to me like the light is coming + The Weeknd + hold on we’re goin home Kinda underwhelmed but kinda happy to see she’s still connecting with her sound from the 1st album
  9. She’s the only one who truly nose the truth
  10. gotta get Instagram embed fixed first tho
  11. Better than asking if every song ever is underrated
  12. https://www.instagram.com/p/CRAaRjDD5FU/?utm_medium=copy_link
  13. I feel like Adele’s voice would completely eclipse Taylor’s
  14. If that’s the c3c title id be down
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