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Everything posted by blastertoyo

  1. Cuz “sex in the air” was very subtle lmao even if you didn’t know chains and whips you knew sex
  2. As Gaga fans here most of us were raised around disco stick and bluffin with my muffin. How ppl now are drawing the line at satanic lap dance is beyond me
  3. A pretty face is a pretty face and Dua, Billie, Madison, Ariana have that Gaga is a lot but a “pretty girl” she never was , beautiful and stunning and statuesque yes but not “pretty” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. Except he somehow manages to lecture his audience about how important it is to speak up about abuse and s/a. I don’t think he realizes that him acknowledging that the victims are victims and his actions are predatory is just him finally catching up to exactly what his issue in the first place was also proceeds to explain what it means to take accountability when it’s exactly what everyone else is asking him to do since 2019 I’ve never seen someone dig themselves a hole during an policy video so deep sets themselves up for failure by trying to hold every apology every to the untouchable standard that his apparently was
  5. But it makes it all ok cuz he was desperate what gets me is he was like well when I got exposed by Tati in ByeSister she only said I was preying on straight guys im preying on teenagers now though so that’s a completely different thing I didn’t realize was wrong cuz I didn’t get called out
  6. if you don’t want to give him views feel free to watch this recap from Smokey Glow or READYTOGLARE I don’t get how talking quietly and saying you preyed on minors because you’re “desperate” somehow redeems criminal actions
  7. Different from regular Billie or different than FameGa
  8. https://www.instagram.com/p/CNLeWFKhs4Y/?igshid=2sh7pjq397td
  9. 2009-2013 was truly the peak of modern album rollouts.
  10. Still waiting for the rest of these celebrities to catch up
  11. Pretty sure the algorithm has been suppressing the video since their channel is super popular but the views are low
  12. this video may be long but it definitely one of the most well made and educational videos on the subject you will ever watch.
  13. People are often lured into a false sense of security here when in fact in my province, anti Asian racism has increased by over 700% since 2020 and we have the highest anti Asian incidents per capita more reports than anywhere else in North America
  14. The funny thing is it’s obviously a lazy copypasta, typos and all saying “get out of US” but delivering them in Canada. not even smart enough to come up with their own insults, just hopping on hate trains like racist brainless idiots
  15. Not really sure what your question is asking? I’m gonna assume you didn’t mean you understand why Asians are being hated on in America and had good intentions. I think the point is to protect against any hate against these communities and opening up that spotlight to anyone who identifies or belongs to these ancestries, not so much as care who’s from where. Racists aren’t gonna differentiate between these, especially when they think all Asians are Chinese and blame anyone Asian or Pacific Islander for the “China virus”. Protecting all adjacent communities seems like a wise choice since it’s not like we should really be waiting around to see if hate crimes are being committed against Pacific Islanders and then making a separate movement for that. Does that answer what I think you’re asking?
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