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The Popster
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About SwissMonster

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  1. I think you can guess the origin of mine
  2. You pretty much covered the most important things @admin I would love to see a Community Committee (role-)system :) Means a group of people who will gather the community for games, contests, Discussions and other stuff like that! Also I would definitely advice to add POCs and other minorities into the mod team as far as it’s possible! And/Or add a special role for another group of people monitoring especially discrimination! Also the Logo competition is a great Idea. Maybe do a competition for the reactions too!
  3. I understand and I’m sorry you got banned for making this thread
  4. Maybe, that could be. Would be messy And I respect that. Don‘t push me in a direction. I was referring to you as a user and saw no need to bring that up in another thread. I respect all cultures and my post had nothing to do with the subject.
  5. But the OP said they were perma banned. Thas why I was confused. I‘m sorry if I mistaken it but I remember that profiles being erazed in case of a perma ban
  6. Your profile is there with everything including rep points tho. I believe that you took the screenshot but why don‘t they black out Profils anymore after getting banned?
  7. You profil is still there tho. Did they unbann you?
  8. You are not banned on GGD tho Being banned on GGD is pure scheiße but lying about it to feel cool is scheiße too
  9. Yes, looking forward to it too :)
  10. I will finish hosting this season of my game on GGD, I already started it there. But I indeed consider changing over here afterwards!
  11. I completly agree. But I understand @Fernandos concerns. I really do hope this will be a better place but it also is a lot of work to keep it that way. I hope the @admin has a concept and is working with people on how to keep this site enjoyable for everyone! I already saw some, rightfully banned users from GGD here. I hope everything turns out well!
  12. Yes maybe I overreacted a bit. But I was in fact referring to the the not civil comments and should‘ve outlined that, I agree. And I was happy to see that it got more and more civil towards the end I just don‘t wanna be pushed on a side where I don‘t belong too, that‘s all.
  13. Mature respons. You should read that: I was on NO side in that Thread you are refering too. I only wanted a calm civil talk there. I definitely see all actions by the mods on GGD as wrong, especially the bannings now. The only reason I visit GGD is for the Games, Globalvision, AA and my own game. I should‘ve never gotten in discussion there in the first place. So don‘t push me in a direction where I don‘t see myself and don‘t belong too.
  14. What are you implying by mind control of admin?
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