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The Popster
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  1. Should have waited until November but anways It‘s okayish
  2. 1. 1000 Doves 2. Stupid Love 3. Free Woman
  3. @DeanClownchester is your romance with @corvus albusstill active Because if not you better prepare for a special Slasher season on here
  4. Nnn. I literally started Charmed again a few months ago and those 4:3 episodes send me everytime. Leo was lowkey hot in the beginning ngl
  5. I should definitely start watching it. I was more the guy who watched Charmed back then
  6. I meant the plug. It was just badly worded nnn
  7. My mom stans the 80s and 90s so that was basically my childhood I now hate the music of those decades. But from what I remember the first artist I started to stan was/is Lady Gaga
  8. Um oh I think my name explains itself nnn
  9. Yeah I understand it too and it’s great! But yet I don’t get why they ship just a cable and not the plug. But at least it‘s fast charger (?) me thinks.
  10. But anyways, imma just use my cheap Amazon charger
  11. Definitely getting the Pro one. Rather disappointed that they don’t ship a charger with it. Not everyone has an USB C adapter lol
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