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The Popster
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About NFRockwell

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  1. I agree. I feel like all her roles before were sort of likes the “Red and Blue” EPs to her discography. With AHS she built hype, she fully invested in the character, and by the end of the season she took herself a bit more seriously as an actor. Even in Roanoke you can tell there was a way she carried herself different compared to her smaller roles.
  2. Gaga has been acting since 2001 But when do you guys “officially” recognize her filmography (outside of her music videos)? Was it with the the Sopranos? The Boiling Point? The Simpsons? Or maybe AHS? To me I recognize all her roles but I feel like with Hotel it was the first time she took herself a bit more seriously with her acting career (aka she wasn’t just a cameo). But what do you guys think? And what’s your favorite role she’s played?
  3. Please do not drag artists. We can discuss all celebrities without tearing them down. It’s ok to objectively discuss performance, sales and opinions of songs and artists. But repeatedly bringing up specific artists to put them down or openly attacking them is unacceptable. Entering threads dedicated to specific artists to drag them is also unacceptable. Choose not to post.
  4. The stems of this album really would leave us scalped
  5. Did she photoshop her boobs or ? she looks good though, hot
  6. Mess at him giving Katy more attention than Gaga does. An icon
  7. no one told me he was, you know https://www.instagram.com/nicocollins/
  8. I kinda enjoy her newest ft more though I’m still excited for the album and hopefully something that sounds a bit more different than NFR (I think she tell they would sound similar though)
  9. Would look better without the title but I wasn’t expecting much after the NFR single arts. As long as the album cover is as good as her others I’ll be good, and I’m so excited to hear this lead
  10. Y’all will never see me on this thread again since discussing politics is a mess (especially online) but I really hope the country pulls through this year (especially swing states). Please don’t let all this mess be for nothing And I’m ready for my November blackout either way. Because I know so many people on both sides who will be very vocal to say the least if things don’t turn out their way. How terrifying is it that we’ve allowed our country to not only rely on a bipartisan system but also have these two people be on our ballots.
  11. Nnn I was still in high school and my history teacher was like “well... this is still an achievement since we now have the US’ oldest elected president” but everyone knew she was hoping Hillary would win. I think back then though there was still this sort of “well let’s give him a chance” kind of energy. But now people know what kind of president he is.
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