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Everything posted by HeavyMetalLover

  1. Damn. You heathens really did that. Only one truly roused my loins, though.
  2. Right. I’m saying that they’re already doing that, but not effectively, and certainly not when it comes to Trump. Their priority has never been censoring him.
  3. Regular people are banned/suspended for far less. They are actually punished for sharing art or making jokes. Trump has been inciting violence and racism sentiment for years now. And with little to no consequence. You’re arguing that a website taking responsibility and condemning this is tyrannical. That’s not how it works, imo.
  4. I don’t either. But I have no sympathy for them either way. The majority will be treated with patience and tried to be reasoned with. Not like that’s possible...
  5. It’s so upsetting to see the obvious gap in what white people can get away with with little-to-no consequences vs anyone else. This shouldn’t be happening.
  6. I’m not. I’m just saying they should be met with equal force. Not brutality. They’re a legitimate danger and are acting as a terrorist group.
  7. The theatricality of it all. Fück these people. Wondering why no one has been shot yet. Oh wait... White privilege lets you storm the fücking capitol building in military gear without fearing for your life.
  8. Right?? They’ll be treated like the delicate cupcakes they are. So gross.
  9. I think each remaining whor- contestant should have a sit down interview Tic Tac luncheon with @PETTY to confirm their integrity. Also, background checks.
  10. BTW was the peak! But TFM was the most exciting era to experience.
  11. Are four flops being eliminated this time?
  12. Not sure, but sometimes I’ll skip Teeth. I really like it but sometimes it’s too repetitive. The same could be said for Fashion of His Love. Both are great songs
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