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Everything posted by HeavyMetalLover

  1. So you wouldn’t call this season a flop? 1. Probably the 80s Theme (I won that, in case anyone forgot.) 2. The Disney Theme 3. MoSt UnDeRrAtEd GaGa DeMoS 4. Don’t let @SLAG @Twitter @Bakugo or @Elizabeth II compete.
  2. Condragulations to the Top 3 (and 5x Bottom @SLAG ,) you’re all winners! Everyone go home now.
  3. They...are bland, safe, tired, underwhelming. Idk what god you mean.
  4. I’ve been attempted to be shamed by enought str8s arlready in my life. NEXT.
  5. I’ll never understand the endless shïtting on of Plastic Doll nor do I wish to. Especially since it’s better than SFA and Babylon.
  6. Anything can be art and anyone can be an artist. If they're good, however, is a separate discussion.
  7. Preach. It’s easy to sit back and be a critic 5 weeks after your elimination. I’d like to see any of these outspoken crusties do any better.
  8. That's fair. Many users have never listened to music.
  9. Ok wow. That was difficult but I voted. Good job, you three degenerates!
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