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Everything posted by SLAG

  1. You really posted the whole website.
  2. SLAG

    Queens battle app

    It's Jewel. This is the only song I know by her and probably her most popular.
  3. There's also a video WE ARE SPOILED!
  4. Lol, I watch it all the time. I didn't explain myself properly. I just meant it's like she's a mannequin in the video. Really giving nothing at all. Even Jess seems present in New Girl. Zoey is like an ornament in the video. Maybe it's just the stiff face idk. Still a great song and nice video tho!
  5. I totally agree. I feel like the joke that they looked similar was due for acknowledgement from both of them. The idea was cute but the execution was a bit underwhelming imo. Also Zoey's a great actress but idk what she was going for. I get she's suppose to be confused/funny but it just came off kinda awkward, especially at the end where she's "performing".
  6. @HeavyMetalLover Us finding out we're paired to compete against each other:
  7. She was sending an invoice for the feature!
  8. Paper Gangsta/Government Hooker/Americano medley.
  9. Right! And I’m sitting here - a sarcophagus - reflecting on my entire life because of it.
  10. Were you even born yet? Because if you weren’t I’m just gonna quit the competition.
  11. I seent it. Looks like the shoe's on the other foot.
  12. @HeavyMetalLover by the skin of our teeth bih!
  13. Thanks for hosting @Lorde Von Kok. Although the results were tampered with (there's proof) the ceremony was fun as usual!
  14. I mean, congrats to them I guess. I hope they just stay engaged for a long time and hold off on the wedding if this is true.
  15. These rates really did my head in. The votes were fraudulent and I don't accept the results. The winner was HEAVY METAL LVOER! And it won BIGLY! How does the dead vote on a megarate?
  16. I see what's going on here! It's clear. @Twitter Do you see what's going on?
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