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Everything posted by SLAG

  1. Aren't you last in Celeb Colors too? We have to Stan consistency
  2. Oh my bad. I keep confusing the two. Australia*
  3. 1. France 2. UK 3. Singapore 4. Australia 5. Japan
  4. That Netherlands' artist was slept on. And not in the good way.
  5. Oh, these are planets and stars. I just realized
  6. I swear. It's loading so fast for me. I stopped stealing my neighbors wifi a looong time ago.
  7. Bakugo voted strategically. He tried to give the threats less points.
  8. That's so sweet! Wish I could relate.. I wanna win.
  9. I was only #1 once. Other than that I was usually at #7
  10. This might be my first time not making the top 10.
  11. What time exactly? I was expecting it to start now.
  12. I'm gonna create a celebrity. She'll always be wearing a mask and her body changes as she pleases. Here she is now:
  13. Kudos to them for speaking up. Did something specific happen to motivate this?
  14. @Lorde Von Kok spill some results yea king.
  15. I was disappointed by that because I was gonna definitely subscribe. Now I’m waiting for the Proud Family reboot to sub.
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