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Everything posted by SLAG

  1. If that's the thought process I should've been out already because Rih's taco is just about showing also.
  2. Seems like the judges took the theme too literal. @little legend maybe stick to just colors from now on.
  3. Should've gone Met Gala. It's safe
  4. When the other kids at school are picking on you and your mom walks you in the next day. Thanks for the kind words @admin
  5. Not gonna get my hopes up. Seems I’m either #1 or #7 but I’m pretty satisfied with my pic.
  6. This song really sounds like something Lana would sing. One of her more interesting songs.
  7. It's called "fuzzy stuff" actually
  8. Jesus Christ. Not two wins today! I really went into this round not knowing wtf to choose and thinking I'd flop hard.
  9. I really didn't think I would make it to top 10 this round and I honestly don't think I deserve to be.
  10. The judges really be like "This looks like it was made with material from the rubbish bin - 9,5"
  11. @donatellabI thought you were gonna use this
  12. Surprised I made top 10. Maybe I'll be #7 again.
  13. I was just about to ask if it says MILF
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