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Everything posted by SLAG

  1. Are we allowed to call them tasteless rats? No offense @Joannesrats
  2. It physically pains me to say this but you might score higher than me this round.
  3. So he won this round? Are you confirming?
  4. So what you’re saying is it’s basic?
  5. What about privately? Promise I won’t leak it.
  6. @nynj nights @lavenderblondee @Joannesrats @Franz Ferdinand For our eliminated players, based on performance, which three players do you see in the final 3? @Twitter @Franch Toast @Bakugo @Sir.Sim @NotDoctor @Gypsy Life @admin @Twitter @Delusional @corvus albus @ShesAMess @Dirkje @danwasd @JennyWayne @donatellab @little legend @chailatte @CokeDestroyer
  7. @nynj nights @Joannesrats @lavenderblondee @Franz Ferdinand This is the last time this question will be asked. Which trio should be eliminated this round and why?
  8. @JennyWayne You and @Joannesrats have exchanged words throughout this competition. Do you truly believe that he didn't deserve to have made it this far? As we know he's had a rollercoaster performance which I am too exhausted to type right now (see previous interviews) but what are your thought on him as a competitor?
  9. I wonder if the person who submitted knows that there's a Spanish version. Not that it was necessarily mandatory for songs to be Spanish but that would've been an iconic serve.
  10. Is that organic drama I smell?
  11. I'm sorry, I'm very busy. Can't answer questions atm.
  12. So who chose "I Like It"?
  13. This is about to be an actual mess.
  14. CONGRATS TO OUR SEASON 2 SEMI-FINALISTS @Joannesrats @lavenderblondee @Franz Ferdinand @nynj nights
  15. @Joannesrats What do YOU have to say about @Twitter elimination? He's previously said that he doesn't believe you deserve to be in the competition. Do you think karma got the best of him?
  16. You previously mentioned that @Joannesrats shouldn't be in the game and that he'd be out soon. Do you stand by those comments? What are your thought on his performance now?
  17. @Franz Ferdinand has become the second player to receive all judges votes in the main round voting period and the only player to have received all judges votes in both the main voting period and in the vote off. Congrats @Franz Ferdinand!
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