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Everything posted by SLAG

  1. But it turned out to be molly which gave her hallucinations of falling down his colorful bussy hole.
  2. I was just reading about this! Could be an epic moment if it’s true! I’m here for it!!
  3. I love myself because why the hell not? I’m the only one that looks like I do, smells like I do and tastes like I do! God must’ve used their “secret ingredient” to make THIS masterpiece.
  4. @Gimme More I knew it was gonna be you
  5. I would agree if they had to courage and integrity to say “F*ck off” and leave the site. I don’t believe they’re all bad people, but by not standing up for what’s right makes them just as bad. There’s other forums led by good people who actually share the same values of Gaga. I’d imagine that’s where real Gaga fans would want to be and not under a racist, bigoted, xenophobic troll.
  6. In order to re-evaluate they would first have to understand and acknowledge their wrong doings, but they’d never admit it. They don’t have the moral capacity. They think they’re superior to everyone because they’ve got gold/silver colored usernames on a Lady Gaga forum. In the real world it doesn’t mean sh*t. The mods on GGD are more than pathetic and should be shamed for the way they’ve acted.
  7. Just a thread to discuss and share some of our favorite Latin influences bops by the pop queents. Share your thoughts and post some of your favs.
  8. Well it’s SLAG. Pretty much speaks for itself. I won’t be slag-shamed
  9. That member vogueing is so cute! I’m actually excited to see this! Hopefully we get some Gaga BTS. Maybe recording of their first convo!
  10. I just started watching season one yesterday! So far so good! Chase Crawford’s bare bum was enough to get me hooked.
  11. “So I’m sitting there bbq sauce on my titties”
  12. I agree. I think it needed a second verse because though it’s short, hearing the chorus and post chorus, and because of how simple they are, it seems very repetitive! Love the song tho and I can’t wait until the day I can hear it blasting in the clubs.
  13. @LordeVonKok Love you too babes
  14. If the weekend would be AMAZING but if she collaborated with Usher I might have a heart attack and miss out completely!
  15. The thing that really took me was her saying that she didn’t see anyone on the site that would be a good mod candidate! When there were many people (including Twitter and Doot) like @KatieJudasGaga4 who would’ve made great mods. Seems like the “power” went to her head. Before the PM and me requesting my posting restriction she gave me a 1 point warning for telling someone nicely that their thread topic had already been posting. I reached out to her to dispute it as she quoted that I went against the guidelines. I mentioned to her that the guidelines also stated that it was suppose to be a 0 point warning for first time offense. She didn’t even have the courtesy of responding even though she read it. Later Dominic removed it but still no apology/explanation.
  16. Just Congrats mate!! Give all the condolences to GGD! @brownie consider it a gift from Killrill that you were banned. Now you can take full advantage of this amazing new forum we’re we’ll build a community like Killrill and his cronies could never!
  17. ATRL is a pop forum while POPA911 is also a pop forum but the majority are Gaga fans. Also most -if not all - users on here have left or been banned from GGD!
  18. I asked this question yesterday but no one knows. I’m not sure that he’s allowed to sell Gaga “merch”. Bobby should find out and put a stop to it! And I’m sorry paying $18 for an envelope of stickers? Where am I gonna put them? Ok my forehead?
  19. I REALLY hope so! He shouldn’t be allowed to make money using Gaga’s name as he goes against everything she stands for. He’s probably in his basement pressing “Freedom of Speech is overrated -Lady Gaga” T’s as we speak
  20. It’s quite pathetic [sic] that they’re stalking this forum and banning people because they’re posting here! K**il needs to f**k off and go back to making stickers in his basement.
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