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Lorde Von Kok

Gaming Leader
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Everything posted by Lorde Von Kok

  1. Funny you decided to create this thread as this very moment ... • For the past 10 days, it's been quite challenging mentally and physically for me. Between dealing with a lot of work, traumas, health and money problems, it all gave me anxiety big-time and overall depression. I finally have my first meeting on the priority list (It's been months ...) on the 9th and I'm super excited to finally receive a full-on diagnostic of what's happening. • There was also this one guy who seemed very promising and we really were on the same wave. We hated random hookups, and were very compatible. He's been ghosting me for the THIRD time yesterday after, once again, asking me out. I've gave him chances, but I'm just bitter now. • Today, I've skip work since I got COVID-scared. I tested two weeks ago, and it was negative. I have yet to receive my results for my second test, and the symptoms are worst than the first time. I hope we all get better very soon, and that the result of this election will hopefully be the REAL start of a fresh new decade, after all the bad that we all experienced.
  2. Submitted ! Love and luck to all of those who gave their name to make this community even better and bigger !
  3. I've forgot to submit. Can we extend the time-frame ?
  4. Ariana, Katy, RiRi or Bey Videography Megarate ?


    1. raragaga
    2. admin


      All are good. I'd pick Bey first, cause she's video queen in my eyes.

    3. paradox


      Riri or Ari

  5. King Kunta - Kendrick Lamar
  6. Ice Cream - BLACKPINK feat. Selena Gomez
  7. I slept with Bradley Cooper because I'm addicted to love. Sounds about right
  8. @PETTY @Bakugo @ProjectJoanne @raragaga @Twitter @ChromaticRaccoon @Doot @DonatellaPop @paradox @lavenderblondee @Tsunade @kaelergrey
  9. This is all very scary. I hope we can find a vaccine very soon to stop this madness and go back to normal.
  10. Title Discuss before it's too la-
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