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Lorde Von Kok

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Everything posted by Lorde Von Kok

  1. THIS JUST IN: Free copy of @Lorde Von Kok's book and @SLAG's new athletic gear at discount prices if you guys vote for @PETTY as WORST JUDGE. It really works, no it's true it's true. @Franch Toast @Bakugo @nynj nights @Sir.Sim @NotDoctor @Gypsy Life @admin @Joannesrats @Twitter @Delusional @ice bear @corvus albus @ShesAMess @Dirkje @danwasd @JennyWayne @donatellab @little legend @chailatte @lavenderblondee @CokeDestroyer @Franz Ferdinand
  2. Sent. I know who will win some of these award.
  3. I'm actually really excited for this. The visuals are slapping HARD so far.
  4. Great work @nynj nights. You did it babe and I hope you enjoyed your first hosting gig. Looking forward to more from you, this time with more taste involved but that's not in your control.
  5. Our lord and savior @lavenderblondee Should've voted so I could give it a 1.
  6. Gaga said on No Way I won't allow the disrespect and she meant this megarate.
  7. PARTYNAUSEA should've gotten the first chop with Diabetes Like Gaga and Hateful Nights.
  8. Please, don't be Forgettable Nights. Rooting for Princess Die at this point.
  9. Excuse me Is it time to visit Finland for a quick meeting in a parking lot ?
  10. Got the proof needed to know this website is destined to end up in the nearest garbageland with this p*ss poor taste. BDKMV is one of Gaga's top collabs and y'all aren't ready for this discussion. Save me a seat in your spaceship to another planet @lavenderblondee
  11. Knew my good sis in taste would agree. I just feel like it's very overrated by the fandom.
  12. We're used to your lack of taste it's all good babe.
  13. Gaga should definitely release a collection of perfected unreleased songs. She knows we would eat it up.
  14. Second Time is giving me Irreplaceable meets We Belong Together teas. I love it.
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