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Lorde Von Kok

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Everything posted by Lorde Von Kok

  1. What the f- is a Randy Blue. Let me google... oh w-
  2. little legend I guess every Gaga song must have an embarassing song. Traumatica had Stupid Love . SOMEONE CALL PETA, I'M ABOUT TO GO HAM
  3. If Shallow is #1, it's time to ban some folks me thinks. Some forums offer stickers and wristbands, but here, at POPA911, we offer COVID-19 tests.
  4. @Twitter @Delusional @KatieJudasGaga4 @little legend @admin @PETTY @DeanClownchester @Grasim @Lorde Von Kok @Gypsy Life - Mariah @danwasd - Kid
  5. Just realized @danwasd's payola stars underneath their name
  6. Heal Me worst song of ASIB Don't @ me, just accept the truth. After all, the organic legends are always the one who sticks to the truth
  7. you know the f- what time for me to delete my account the lack of taste is reaching a limit
  8. ITA is the best song on ASIB, or Top 3 at least, please.
  9. Seulement des célébrités iconiques. Access granted.
  10. @Anveeroy The girls are already fighting! Alexa, play Trouble In Paradise
  11. Not excited to see the gorgeous rock songs from that album getting torn to shreds by tasteless rats.
  12. Je vais tuer ceux qui ont donné La vie en rose n'importe quoi en dessous d'un 7. Mon couteau dans votre gorge ce soir.
  13. My taste is excellent and immaculate. Hope you gave ITA? tens across the boards.
  14. All these timezones yet, we will still witness total lack of taste.
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