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Lorde Von Kok

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Everything posted by Lorde Von Kok

  1. I just remembered I can now lock the thread freely without anyone trying to stop the kii. Show's over - Go home.
  2. BREAKING - NEW WINNER OF CC S3 CONFIRMED FROM LL ARENA #1 @Lorde Von Kok 100 pts Average score: 10,000 100 pts from : @Miaou @Sir.Sim @PETTY @Fame Romance @Gypsy Life @little legend @corvus albus @Clever Username @JennyWayne@boobatella
  4. On her way to the red carpet, Caitlyn Jenner got refused at entry because she flopped and got eliminated first. She learned the news during an interview with E! Entertainment. Furious, she ran to the stage and did a 30-minutes long rant about how the world is not ready to appreciate her serves and that the audience are all clowns. She was then seen leaving the venue, with her stolen-Starbucks coffee.
  5. Anyway, on my way to the ceremony to END everyone.
  6. My heart goes out to all my Europeans. This is absolutely devastating and I've been following closely this mess for a week now. Although I love my queer Russians and those who are rioting, please make Putin and his government crash down to the ground.
  7. It's a well-known fact if you do a quick Google search that Beyoncé is supposed to drop an album during Q1 of 2022. We are already more than halfway through and with the rest of February and March left, we are still emptyhanded. Where is the album B, where is it?
  8. Speaking of... announcement of a popular game S2 very soon.
  9. Whew stream Keep My Spirit Alive and let the old haters rot.

  10. An iconic moment in time. Whew, the doors I opened.
  11. So I get 999WPs for jokingly locking a thread as part of the game? Prison honey. Caitlyn Jenner Not Guilty of Fatal Car Crash
  12. Y'all need to sit back and think about the sins committed on this thread.
  13. Messenger Notification is me asking for your home address.
  14. So the jokes do continue to write themselves, smh.
  15. Should've submitted this to score the most points according to these judges.
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