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Everything posted by ProjectJoanne

  1. I found her from Instagram adds and she’s made some awesome music! One of her bigger songs is Tonight I Run :)
  2. Me and Government Hooker are in a very love-hate relationship right now
  3. Round One: Marry - I Like It Rough Kiss - Government Hooker Kill - Replay Round Two: Marry - Alice Kiss - Diamond Heart Kill - Aura Round Three: Oh before the other options come up, straight up Marry - The Cure Kiss - Heal Me Kill - Love Me Right Round Four: Marry - Rain On Me Kiss - Telephone Kill - Hey Gurl Round Five: Marry - Bad Romance Kiss - Marry The Night Kill - Always Remember Us This Way
  4. Title, which date of the Joanne World Tour date do you think had the best live vocals? Leave yours down below and give some examples if you can! :D For me it was the Philly show on September 10, especially during The Cure, she's literally just pouring her HEART out into the song!!! Another one I can think of is the dates for the New York Citi Field shows, AMAZING vocals from them!
  5. This would be such an amazing idea!!! Like have a big box that promotes a user's art and creations to everyone that logs on, that would be so awesome!
  6. My next album will have collaborations...
  7. I found out about it from an active discord server :)
  8. And they definitely have the ability to! There's 2 different versions of the instrumental that got put out https://twitter.com/Radi0_fire/status/1306805745640509440?s=20
  9. If you prefer the snippets of the early version more than the whole finished version than that really says something But I understand :)
  10. Question, which version of Babylon do you prefer so far? The finished version or the amazing Early Version snippets????
  11. I know, but I am and I'm proud to talk crap about GGD
  12. I don't like to talk crap about anything, but I just love how badly GGD is going
  13. Oh! I don't want to go on that site But I'll check it out Oh I've been banned
  14. In other words his hair is scaring away the gays
  15. Me, I'm being kinda sli about not feeling anything for him
  16. Even after coming out as bi, nothing is coming out for him
  17. Ok to start off, if there's already a "Throwback" tag I have NO idea where to put it, so I'm gonna use this for now Anyway, I've known about this song for a super long time, but I've never really digested it till very recently, it sounds AMAZING, the key is so beautiful and emotional and the melodies just sound so sad What do you think?
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