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Everything posted by ProjectJoanne

  1. Unfortunately? They were originally planning to release 911 ON 911
  2. "I shut down a few other threads that are heavy on the GGD criticisms and I’m going to close this one too. I think we need to bring this line of discussion to a close for the health of this site/all of us. It can become triggering and make people sad - aside from leaning into personal attacks. Feel free to continue such discussions separately with friends, of course. 

    Thanks all!"

    Woah, an amazing and mature response and reason to close a thread! Finally! I like this @admin a lot better! :zoom:

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ProjectJoanne


      Yeah no problem! :happydance:

    3. Gone


      Psychology taught that stereotypes aren’t bad! So thats a load of bull!


      Obvs joking here I am well aware they are


    4. ProjectJoanne


      Omg you had me for a second :shakes:

  3. @Twitter What do you think of this version??
  4. Let's all take off our hats for the millions of streams that are gonna be lost
  5. 1. Plastic Doll 2. 1000 Doves 3. (Optional Deluxe) Love Me Right 3. (Normal) Replay, I don’t hate it AT ALL, but I like all the other songs more
  6. So I was just jamming out to Stupid Love doing the SL choreo while making pizza. And I just have this sudden thought like “Omg, is this the most iconic choreography of the era???” Because I can’t really think of any other choreography that could top Stupid Love this whole era so far, but what do you guys think? DISCLAIMER: DO NOT VOTE BASED ON THE SONG, BASE IT OFF OF THE CHOREOGRAPHY 1. Stupid Love 2. Rain On Me 3. 911 (VMA Performance)
  7. Her name isn’t the only thing that’s not Alice
  8. Because they look SO cinematic for editing, super highly quality, stable, rare angle, perfect for side shots, and it’s all gone
  9. Hey everyone, so you may or may not know, there used to be a set of videos recorded by YouTube user: ZviZeav This user had INCREDIBLE side angle-recorded videos of the Born This Way Ball from the Portland, Oregon date. Sadly they were deleted around June of 2015 and only few were saved but not all can be recovered. Do any of you by any chance have these videos saved on any personal archives or know where to find them? If you can that would be amazing!!! And no not the DVD edit the screenshot examples are from, the actual videos that they used for that scene by themselves :) The songs they recorded were: Born This Way (I have) Bad Romance (the video I need the most!) Heavy Metal Lover (I have) The Queen + You And I (I have) Americano (I need) Poker Face + Alejandro (I have) Marry The Night (I have)
  10. Gurl, I wasn’t even talking about those ... But now that you bring them up
  11. What an amazing song, I used to listen to this song along with a whole CD my dad burned out that had a lot of No Doubt songs like Spiderwebs, Excuse Me, Sunday Morning, Different People, and A Little Something Refreshing So I get a lot of feels from this one
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