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Everything posted by ProjectJoanne

  1. I secretly deep down want her to perform Cherry in the original key, but obviously she’s gonna choose something from the album Hopefully XS
  2. Also no this has nothing to do with my new single
  3. So later today she send me a screenshot of a text from me saying “I’ll never leave you no matter what.” I gave NO response. First of all, gurl, YOU BROKE UP WITH ME! What are you TALKING ABOUT???
  4. BEAUTIFUL performance! I hope we at least get something like this again for the Chrom. era even though it might not happen, just imagine a beautiful 1000 Doves performance like this one, that would be INCREDIBLE!
  5. I live in America but I'm NOT gonna download anything, I feel completely fine being alone
  6. Oh! Ok, well I'm only 17 so like I can't really do all that stuff yet, too much school
  7. So the relationship I had was kinda on and off and I told the first part of this story on my status last night, if you want feel free to check it out. But this morning she told me she had been in the hospital for this past day and told me that she had done a lot of self reflecting and said that us being in a relationship isn't good for her mental health, which yeah, and that she isn't gonna be happy with me, and I completely understand since I'm gay. But then she said "Good luck finding someone who loves you more than I did" ... I know she loved me but she could've treated me better, she turned my coming out into her problem by saying I shouldn't have lied to her for so long and that she has trust issues. I get it, I shouldn't have lied for so long, but like I don't think you understand the pressures of being gay and having it be known in the world that we live in. Anyway, we're broken up, I'm feeling better, obviously still sad because I'm gonna miss her and her family for a while, but I'm gonna take this time to just be alive and focus on myself. I have my whole life to live and be in a relationship, I'm gonna spend my youth while I can doing what I want and focusing on only what I want. So, I'm kinda leaving bitter, but it was a bitter relationship and I'm happy that I'm finally just on my own instead of being in constant fear of simply having to talk to someone who was very toxic to me for over a year
  8. Alice: 30 Rain On Me: 30 911: 30 (+) Plastic Doll: 22 (-) Sour Candy: 20 Enigma: 24 Replay: 30 Sine From Above: 18 1000 Doves: 32 Babylon: 32
  9. I don't want to spread this info but I just really need to release it from myself. My GF almost committed suicide and I had to call the cops to check on her and I told her dad to check on her. He thanked me for telling him to check on her and didn't tell me anything else so I'm guessing he was able to help stop her. This started because I'm basically gay. She asked me earlier today if I would be happier with her or a guy and I told her the truth and said that I might be happier with a guy but that I still loved her. Things went South and she started to panic and cause a whole mental storm in her head and she said that she couldn't take it anymore and told me that this was the last text she was ever gonna send me. 

    I feel terrible about what I said, not just that but the other things that just furthered onto it, she told me that it was selfish of me to not want her to commit s. because of how much she's suffering and I told her that she's also being selfish for wanting to leave the world and emotionally traumatize everyone around her. I said some things I shouldn't have said. 

    My dad just talked to me a lot and told me and helped me feel better and also said that I shouldn't be in any kind of relationship right now because I'm still trying to figure myself out (like who I am and what kind of person I want to be with). Eventually it got to where we were talking about Lady Gaga barely surpassing the age of 27 which was the ARTPOP year where she broke her hip, her management team left her, she opened up about her past trauma, the media and EVERYONE basically not wanting anything to have to do with her anymore, all that. He reminded me that her family and her new manager Bobby really helped her with everything that was going on till she eventually turned 28 and successfully surpassed the notoriously cursed age of 27. With everything that he said, it reminded me of a certain song on Chromatica, 1000 Doves.

    I had never really connected that much with the lyrics before and the actual music itself is more on the generic side compared to most of the album. BUT, after everything that's been going on and realizing how hurt Gaga must've been throughout 2013, I realized 1000 Doves is just a powerful and meaningful song not just to Gaga herself but also anyone who's going through a hard time and just needed someone to be there for them. This song for the first time ever is now one of my favorites off of Chromatica now that I can actually understand everything about what this song is about, not necessarily feel, but understand, it's it's very heartbreaking, but also anthemic.

    1. StormPulse


      Hey DC, fun fact, you're a day younger than my younger brother.

      Also, as someone who also recently posted their lengthy story about trauma/healing, just know that you. come, first. Your girlfriend sounds like a great young lady and it sounds like you spent good time with her. Focus on yourself. You still have a lot of self discovery to do, it sounds like. You'll get through this, and yes, 1000 Doves is a great song to help you along the way


    2. kaelergrey


      Sending you love and lots of hug DC. Thank you for sharing your story with us. 

  10. WAIT! It's her point up to a Sine From Above!!! SFA next single confirmt!
  11. Does it mean something? In all of her music videos there's a point where she's pointing what could this possibly mean? She's pointing UP, so that means it might have to do with the sky, in the whole album there's not really anything that would have to do with the sky... except for 1000 Doves. Is 1000 Doves the next single????? WAIT! It's her point up to a Sine From Above!!! SFA next single confirmt!
  12. Adele AND Ariana Grande in the same month? What a year this has been musically
  13. I would say a blue wig, but no I love that wig, get owned real hair
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