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Everything posted by ProjectJoanne

  1. And #2 can also stand on it's own, it sounds like a perfect dark transcendent into the underworld And not as annoyingly long as #1
  2. No it's just better, it sounds darker and it's not so long
  3. Chromatica 3 is better than 1, I almost never listen to 1 since it's too long and just go right to Alice
  4. "My name, is in Dallas, but I'll keep looking for wonderland"
  5. FT wasn't first, are you saying Plastic Doll is supposed to be 16? I agree, but that's setting this all to fail
  6. You could say the same about Poker Face, your point?
  7. I read this as WAP ... Not really looking for that either
  8. This is the EXACT comment @KatieJudasGaga4 would leave, gif and everything
  9. Well I’m glad it’s not the last one, but undeserved to not be in the Top 10.
  10. I’ve actually been really feeling Free Woman lately, because I actually feel really free after not being in a toxic relationship
  11. Omg guys I’m so sorry! I arrived in the wrong outfit, I’m now wearing what I had prepared earlier this week, my own Gaga 2017 Grammy’s Drag outfit
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