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The Popster
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Everything posted by nenhures

  1. nenhures

    Song Alphabet

    Giorgio by Moroder - Daft Punk
  2. Found it kinda underwhelming to be honest. It's not bad, just not very captivating.
  3. It really, really bothers me how for every single debate they're not answering any questions. It's just back and forth banter like "I can raise more money than you!" The country is in shambles, people are dying left and right but sure let's compare d*ck sizes
  4. I deeply relate to Biden looking like his soul is leaving his body everytime Trump opens his mouth
  5. Twitter is down and I can't tweet about how Twitter is down....

  6. Rather Be by Clean Bandit is still such a bop.

    1. StormPulse


      Real Love and Come Over too. They sold out but the music is still pretty good

    2. nenhures


      Agreed! I have conflicted feelings on Clean Bandit because I feel they've been stuck in their comfort zone these past years but I guess it's a case of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" and they're getting their coins regardless

  7. They launched a "creator fund" thing where you can make money off of views and interaction with your content so technically anyone can make money but it's going to be literally pennies unless you're huge on the platform. But for a long time and to this day famous tiktokers have been getting a cut (not sure if directly from the platform), not to mention the sponsorships and deals they get on the side. Because the app is relatively new there's no regulation on sponsorships, so a lot of the time it goes under the radar and you have a bunch of tiktokers very clearly selling a product or promoting a song without having to disclose they're getting paid to do that and then impressionable kids believe it's all organic. It's very predatory, I think.
  8. Thank you Katie, I really appreciate it You've always been one of my favorite people on this fanbase even though Enigma is your least favorite song from Chromatica

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nenhures


      The whole album is sooo good. I'm obsessed!

    3. Edonis


      I need to listen to it from start to finish! 

    4. StormPulse


      OMG I meant to post about Roisin but you beat me to it! Iconic album!

  10. That's part of the reason why I never fully felt comfortable there. I never really told anyone in GGD I was nonbinary partly because I wasn't ready to come out to myself but mostly because I saw how gross people were in every Sam Smith thread. A constant refusal of using the correct pronouns and mocking of anyone who called it out. It's the kind of thing I grew a thicker skin about but it still hurts to see people be nice to you one second and then be transphobic the other.
  11. If she had I don't think you'd be able to miss it
  12. A couple Brazilian Monsters made gross, ableist comments on Gaga's rock climbing post, got called out by the sane side of the fanbase and it ended up making headlines on a bunch of news sites around here. Y'all underestimate the kind of power negativity can have. Dragging this to the BTWF or, god forbid, Perez Hilton, will only hurt Gaga. Not Admin, not the mods. Gaga.
  13. It's so funny to me that the Admin is trying to brush off the outrage at the disgusting behavior on that hellhole as people being childish and "trying to stir up drama" when he and the mods tackled this situation in the most petulant and juvenile way possible, responding to people with catty and cheap remarks and hiding away any criticism of their actions. Projection, projection, projection.
  14. I remember the mods saying multiple times that they "couldn't read PMs" which, surprise, was a lie and now just dropped the act and are going out of their way to spy on users lmao. It's giving me major Trumpian "we can do whatever the f*ck we want and get away with it" vibes.
  15. That and his islamophobic statements which, after he was confronted about it, only doubled down on. I'm Brazilian myself and was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt because we can be... a lot but after I saw his true colors I just said f*ck it and left lmao. Didn't really feel comfortable being in a place run by his shady self. What really pushed me over the edge was the lack of transparency and direct action from the mods and as it turns out that remains true to this day
  16. Hello! I don't know if any of you remember me but I used to be active on GGD up until January and left because of Admin's less than stellar behavior. I caught wind of what went down the past day and heard everyone was moving here and thought I'd join :)
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