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Popster This Way
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  1. Which is kinda sad, cause it cheapens her artistic output as something you can just buy at a store, instead of something you wanna listen to in order to make you feel something that cannot be bought
  2. The only emotion HMH makes you feel is fear, cause that glitching intro makes you JUMP
  3. Yes, thanks to YouTube payola, and we all know how it perfomed the week after
  4. After all these years, Speechless is still her best ballad: so excellent it charted, when back then it was hell for an album track to do so Always Remember Flopping This Way could NEVER
  5. I still have to understand the MASSIVE success Sabrina's having: sure, the songs are bops, but that's it Genesis. part II deserves PPP's success though
  6. What is it with both Katy and Ratmilla trying so hard to pull an XCX though
  7. And I am a firm believer that also Chromatica will eventually experience a second wind in the future, cause it's aging like fine wine Yes, even Stupid Larva is a BOP, it's time to stop to pretend it isn't
  8. We may talk smack about TikTok all we want, but it's incredible how Born This Way has flourished thanks to it (and deservingly so, cause it's a bold album in every single aspect)
  9. Now, what if there's no rumoured/leaked release date cause Bobé somehow managed to lock his agenda behind a password, a MASTERMIND
  10. Maybe she's busy dancing in the shadow of Michael's cock (and honestly? Good for her)
  11. Knowing our luck and Gags' love to release in the busiest weeks, I wouldn't be so surprised
  12. Watch her release the "Taylor's carbon printed" version during LG7 release date
  13. I see that Gags still has Shadow Nose in her vault, I blame Bobé and his failing coffeemaking abilities
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