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The Popster
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  1. Blood + Second Season opening Season's Call by Hyde I really like the singer's voice.
  2. This forum is very visible. I wanted to apologize to you, but I felt so ashamed over what happened. I didn't know what to say. I didn't come over here on orders or doing what you think, but I can't talk about moderation either. I'm so sorry about that PM... I wish I did a better job to mediate... I thought we were making progress for a time, but I messed it up and it will haunt me. This is awkward and I understand if you're upset with me after what happened.
  3. I think I warned him for something disrespectful that caused him to get banned. The only reason I changed his name is because he had changed it to slander me. I know it wasn't mature, but I deal with rude people everyday and sometimes it gets me angry. It wasn't professional and I'm sorry I changed his name to a "rat" related thing. I try to remain calm and professional with everyone, but I'm not perfect and sometimes I slip. I'll try to do better in the future, but I can't change the past...
  4. Pardon? Did this upset you? What would you like?
  5. I see. The first one sounds familiar. Been there 10 years as well...
  6. Well, it's bad... Who were you 10 years ago if I may ask?
  7. I knew there were differences, but I didn't realize the magnitude since I work so much. Trying to get people to work together is harder than it sounds. It went south for sure... I wished there had been resolution. The issues of discrimination disturbed me, especially when I found users were afraid to post. It haunts me...
  8. Indeed, a little awkward... I'm sorry things happened the way they did.
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