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Impossible Princess

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Everything posted by Impossible Princess

  1. 9. Why Did You Do That? - 7.67 Highest Score: 10 @Lorde Von Kok @crazybadbich97 @Candy Gaga @Blown Away @MiKEY @DonnieDarko Lowest Score: 1 @little legend Comments: Andreu The best of the song is DJWS's FAT bass Lorde Von Kok Lowkey a whole bop. Underrated. WildAmerican WDYDT serves its purpose in the film and as it's a vapid pop song (that kinda slaps) that is a complete contrast from Ally's earlier music. It's more of a thematic statement than an actual Gaga pop song lol Doncho A bop little legend I guess every Gaga song must have an embarassing song. Traumatica had Stupid Love . A Star Is Born has Why Did You Do That...well i dont know Why Did Gaga Do That to us TINDER BOP Bop Bop I love that "a*s" song crazybadbich97 Probably my most streamed track of the album Delusional Oof, powerful Franz Ferdinand everyone jokes about this song but it is super catchy, tongue-in-cheek, and just plain fun ChromaticRaccoon This song actually bops, y'all just love to hate Franch Toast I hate this song with the intensity of a ten thousand suns Blown Away A simple, in-your-face, repetitive bop. There's nothing else to search behind the song. It's just enjoyable. There's nothing bad I can say about it. Unfortunately it will be massively underrated and end up last... FRANZGA trash lyrics but kind of a BOP tbh NotDoctor I'm a sucker for a marimba GitHub more of a plot point than a song, which is a shame because it's not a bad listen zcasx highkey a bop Dark Paradise I will defend this song until the day I die admin This grew on me tbh
  2. 10. Hair Body Face - 7.65 Highest Score: 11 @A Little Monsterrr Lowest Score: 3.7 @Blown Away Comments: Lorde Von Kok YES YES YES YES YES ALLY f- IT UP WildAmerican Better than WDYDT and helps us get a better sense of Ally's sound. Great chorus. Doncho I remember LOVING this song at first. Now its kind of a filler one... but still great little legend a hidden gem , it probably deserves an 8 or 9 score but i will give it 10 cause the nostalgia it gives me. It reminds me of her debut era . It's so cute and the nostalgia that it brings ah <3 TINDER My voguing banger Mary Jane Holland My favorite pop song off the album. crazybadbich97 This is such a voguing song Delusional Worst pop track Franz Ferdinand meh Franch Toast Hair body disgrace Blown Away This is the actual pop monstrosity. There's no redeeming qualities to this song, it sounds very empty and the nasal vocals in the verses don't help either. Major skip. FRANZGA THE FAME vibes and i stan but still not on par with the ballads GitHub Ehhh the chorus is the only part of this song I really like. Side note: why did I get more of Ally's backstory in 2 lines of this song than the entire script Twitter This would make a good Chromatica single. I’d swap this for Fun Tonight. zcasx lowkey a bop admin BOP
  3. 11. I Don’t Know What Love Is - 7.52 Highest Score: 10 @sickandtired2.0 @Kattys @BabyMario44 @PETTY @Mary Jane Holland @Sour Candy @Gypsy Life Lowest Score: 1 @Fame Romance Comments: Andreu I like it but it's lowkey too simple. Lorde Von Kok I don't either. Ms I am a local I don't know what love IiIiiIiIIIiIiiiiiiiiIIIIiiiiiIIsss (this part kills me, completely lmao) WildAmerican Love this one (noticing a theme here?) little legend a cute song for cute moments TINDER I don't know what love is' more like I don't wanna know after listening to this. Sour Candy Excellent ballad Mary Jane Holland Really love the way they harmonize crazybadbich97 This is such a good song lyricaly ...Also so relatable but honestly untrue we all hopefully know what love is Delusional Boringgggggg honestly a filler Franz Ferdinand by itself it is a gorgeous ballad but among such other (greater) ballads it comes out a bit flat Franch Toast A beautiful, haunting song Blown Away This song falls into the same category as Music To My Eyes. It's whiny, drags on and is boring. It's a little bit better than the other one though. FRANZGA still a great duet but it's my least fave from the BradGa duets NotDoctor It's fine GitHub not something I am generally drawn to, but a very good song Twitter Beautiful. Can listen to this everyday! zcasx way too cheesy for me admin Pretty, slightly forgetful.
  4. 12. Before I Cry - 7.5 Highest Score: 11 @Mary Jane Holland Lowest Score: 1 @NotDoctor @Candy Gaga @Fame Romance Comments: Andreu One of Gaga's worst songs tbh, can hardly stand it. Lorde Von Kok WHEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ALL OF THAT WildAmerican Never a big fan of this one little legend love this song! TINDER "Hurry up Hurry up before I loose my mind", if this song reaches top 5. Mary Jane Holland This song is heavenly. The lyrics and her belts are just perfect. Delusional Gorgeous simply gorgeous Franch Toast Perfectly fine Blown Away A decent pop song. The chorus is very powerful, the vocals really amp it up. The verses are not really great though. FRANZGA such an underrated piece of ART.. the combination of ballad vocals and trap beats for this one is just PERFECT NotDoctor No. GitHub not that into it, sorry Twitter This song is painfully dismissed and underrated! admin The VOCALS alone.
  5. 13. Music To My Eyes - 7.45 Highest Score: 10 @lavenderblondee @paradox @Mary Jane Holland @PETTY @BabyMario44 Lowest Score: 1 @NotDoctor Comments: lavenderblondee It's BEAUTIFUL, what more can I say. Lorde Von Kok No. WildAmerican A sweet lil love song! little legend it could be worse TINDER Cute Sour Candy Cute love song Mary Jane Holland I really like Gaga's voice in this song and also the lyrics are beautiful. crazybadbich97 And this song is bliss to my ears Delusional Gorgeous Franz Ferdinand cute Franch Toast Gorgeous duet Blown Away The song is too slow and boring. It seems to drag on endlessly and it judging by the vocals en the melody in which Gaga and Bradley sing they seem to be bored either. There's no passion behind this song. FRANZGA Nice duet and their voices just blend amazingly NotDoctor poison to my soul GitHub My issue with a lot of these boils down to them sounding a lot like "this is a song from a movie" and not standalone songs. Instrumental is quite nice on this though zcasx beautiful melody admin This song is pretty.
  6. 14. La Vie En Rose - 7.26 Highest Score: 10 @Fame Romance @Sour Candy @GitHub @BabyMario44 @MiKEY Lowest Score: 1 @Blown Away Comments: paradox Honestly so tired of this song srryboutit Lorde Von Kok À tous mes ami(e)s anglais qui ne vont rien comprendre à ces mots, acceptez le fait que c'est une magnifique chanson française et que Gaga did THAT. Oui, elle sonne tremblante mais c'est parce qu'elle dramatisait la chanson encore plus chile, wbk. WildAmerican Gaga's cover of this French classic is powerful, and almost epic. Excellent vocals, and fantastic way for her to meet to meet Jack. Doncho A MASTERPIECE. I am so glad we have a studio version (kinda) of this! little legend Gaga's vocals are amazing TINDER Although I don't understand the song but Gaga sounds gorgeous Sour Candy Love this cover from Gaga, even tho she have some pronuciation problems crazybadbich97 I don´t like it that much :D I don´t know why :) Delusional No thank u x Franz Ferdinand Her voice is great but damn she cant do the accent, total boner killer Franch Toast Sumptuous version, but Edith Piaf did it better FRANZGA not my favorite jazz cover from Gaga GitHub I like this song so ofc it got a high rate Twitter Great but it was too short for me. NYNJ Nights Now I understand @Franch Toast's username lol zcasx it's nice but it's a cover admin She sounds so wonderful - plus good acting.
  7. 15. Black Eyes- 6.45 Highest Score: 9.7 @Blown Away Lowest Score: 4 @SamanthaC @ChromaticRaccoon Comments: lavenderblondee I DARE ANYONE TO NAME A MORE ICONIC OPENING SONG TO A MOVIE. CAN'T? BECAUSE IT DOESN'T EXIST. Andreu Fits nicely in the movie and it's a solid track, but it's not something I would listen actively to. Lorde Von Kok I love the instrumental. Very good, giving me Royal Blood tease. I know the gheys will pay this one dust because it's by the bearded man and because it's too rock for the bottoms. Mess. WildAmerican Originally, I wasn't expecting much much from the Jackson songs, but I was proven wrong almost instantly with Black Eyes, it's a great opening song that's super energetic, and shows what kind of musician Jackson is little legend ok TINDER Bradley sounds like he's drunk and horny. Ahhhhhh Sour Candy Love this rockish song, perhaps it feels it lacks of lyrics crazybadbich97 Its okay not groundbreaking Delusional Masterpiece Franz Ferdinand Cute i guess Franch Toast One of my least fave of the Bradley solo songs Blown Away This song is a great starter too the album. It immediately cranks up the energy and the way Bradley sings on the track is fantastic. He just glides over the track as if it is nothing. FRANZGA i don't know but just can't vibe and connect to this one GitHub I forgot I was listening to it halfway through zcasx run of the mill rock song for me admin Honestly, I'd listen to this.
  8. 16. Maybe It’s Time - 6.32 Highest Score: 10 @BabyMario44 Lowest Score: 3 @Delusional Comments: Andreu It's very simple musically and maybe a too repetitive, but it's lowkey a classic. Fits incredible the movie/Jackson's character and it's a solid track. Lorde Von Kok Is this Bob Dylan 2.0? ZZZzzzzZZ, next. WildAmerican Don't come back to this one very much, but it's a great tune with a nice melody Doncho Deserved a Grammy but anywayyy... little legend First time i heard it (i was in the cinema), i thought it was Shallow and i was like how many times are they going to play Shallow on the movie TINDER This song tells a story, and I'm a fan of it. crazybadbich97 I like the lyrics, the voice and the production on this one Delusional Maybe it’s time to turn the song off Franz Ferdinand the best of the jackson songs Franch Toast My favorite of the Bradley solo songs Blown Away This one is cute, but nothing more. I wouldn't search it out actively. FRANZGA Amazing country-folk song, would've been bigger if released by a country artist GitHub not bad, just not something I'd listen to intentionally Twitter Definitely one of Bradley’s best tracks! zcasx effective lyrics, nice melody admin This song is INCREDIBLE. No wonder Bradley is a MPG now.
  9. 17. Alibi- 6.25 Highest Score: 10 @Sour Candy Lowest Score: 4 @Candy Gaga Comments: Lorde Von Kok :jamming: little legend not bad TINDER Horny Bradley again Sour Candy Best Bradley solo song, it goes hard, deserved MIT streams crazybadbich97 I Delusional Insert bored emoji Franz Ferdinand ditto Blown Away I like the energy the song and the song has a great chorus. Once again, Bradley sings greatly on this track. But it doesn't compare to Black Eyes for me. FRANZGA nice transition from Out of Time to Alibi, the song is just okay GitHub shame they didn't call it "Alililililulululubi" zcasx better run-of-the-mill rock song admin Another hit from the new MPG
  10. 18. Too Far Gone - 5.87 Highest Score: 10 @Andreu @lavenderblondee @BabyMario44 Lowest Score: 1 @little legend @TINDER Comments: lavenderblondee Once again, such a short song, but really beautiful. Andreu I hate them for leaving this track like this. This song is more half a song than a full one, but it has so much potential. It's extremely emotional, and to me it represents Jacksons asking Ally for forgiveness before doing what he does at the end of the movie. WildAmerican too short to leave any impact little legend oh this is the Hey Sleep of the album. A totally filler TINDER Never heard Delusional It’s ok! Blown Away The song is ok. It sounds like a man on his death bed, which is exactly how it should sound. So emotion-wise it's perfectly, Bradley has a very emotive voice by the way, but it doesn't really move me. FRANZGA BORING and short GitHub probably my favorite "Jack" song Twitter Meh admin Good for you Bradley
  11. 19. Out of Time- 5.47 Highest Score: 9 @Joesuda Lowest Score: 1 @TINDER @ChromaticRaccoon @Gypsy Life Comments: Andreu Once again, not something I would listen to, but it reminded me of the movie and gave me chills Lorde Von Kok The guitar was sick. I must stan and must spread my legs. Whew, love me a guitarist. Play with my strings chile. little legend cute TINDER Don't care Sour Candy Cute track crazybadbich97 Not really remember it that much .... Delusional Bop I guess! Franz Ferdinand this is my first time hearing this Blown Away A good intro into Alibi. It goes on a tad too long, but that's ok. FRANZGA Amazing instrumental, it gets me kicking every fvckin time GitHub kept waiting for the lyrics to come and some say that I'm still waiting till this day zcasx I can't recall it so yeah admin This is great, but like, it's not really a song is it?
  12. We are starting in 50 Minutes. Enjoy, MDNA! @danwasd @esc @lavenderblondee @paradox @Andreu @ProjectJoanne @Lorde Von Kok @Ms I am a local @Fame Romance @Gypsy Life @WildAmerican @Doncho @little legend @TINDER @Sour Candy @Mary Jane Holland @Stanley Digaga @Grasim @KatieJudasGaga4 @crazybadbich97 @Delusional @PETTY @GuiLM @Candy Gaga @ChromaticRaccoon @Franch Toast @ShesAMess @A Little Monsterrr @Blown Away @FRANZGA @Elizabeth II @NotDoctor @GitHub @SamanthaC @BabyMario44 @Twitter @Joesuda @NYNJ Nights @GagaGlambert @zcasx @MiKEY @DonnieDarko @Dark Paradise @Mr. V @Kattys @admin @JennyWayne @sickandtired2.0
  13. Cause baby when I look at youI just don't know what to do with youA man loves a triple threatDid the party room just see that?Hair, body, face, for you, triple threat, do it, for yaHair, body, face, for you, triple threat
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