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Gov Hooka

The Fame Popster
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About Gov Hooka

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  1. Right of course, ALL lives matter. That yet you still won't even see the unequal display of remembrance and shows of sympathy for both victims shows me that you still would rather refuse to engage in uncomfortable truths about the ways in which you and the entire US still refuse to acknowledge the horrors and crimes yall have comitted in the Middle East and instead feign kindness as an excuse to gloss over everything when confronted with that reality. They do not matter to me and also to a global majority of people affected by the routine violence that the US inflicts on them, because they are victimized by the US in ways that are completely cruel. You clearly are unable to lock the thread because you only want certain opinions heard. So go ahead and lock it then.
  2. That you can't even see your own displaced and selective sympathy and outrage is pretty telling. You're getting very defensive very quickly. And how do you protest? at sanctioned parades in NYC, donating to amorphous causes and supporting performative politicians... yeah great job. Props to you for that lol. This thread is about ignoring root causes for an event and conveniently ignoring the true victims of 9/11, the hundreds of thousands of innocent victims murdered senselessly abroad by YOUR country in the name of vengeance for this act, that the US brought upon itself by funding the very same people who did it. But again, yall would rather have theatrical remembrance displays rather than actually understanding what happened.
  3. You don’t get my point then. Y’all only ever think about the 3000 innocent victims here and NEVER about the hundreds of thousands if not millions of innocent victims abroad and pretend to say “we can think about both” when you clearly don’t... 9/11 remembrance posts are theatrical bs and nothing else because every single time y’all detach it from the larger picture of US imperialism and racism toward Muslims and of course the cruel constant wreckless slaughter of ppl in the Middle East. So yeah I don’t care
  4. Octavia Spencer commenting make sure he signs a prenup
  5. US does way worse to the rest of the world everyday and you don’t see theatrical remembrance bs posted about that. The tragedy was kicked off long before 9/11 and many Americans forget that and glaze over when it comes to the Muslims they kill abroad in the thousands everyday. Still don’t give a sh!t about 9/11. Never will.
  6. The US f-ed around and found out. Received a fraction of the horror that it inflicts abroad. Dont give a sh!t
  7. the sine from above remix is a journey omg
  8. How are y’all listening to these previews. Me thinks I should just wait it out til tonight and listen in full
  9. soooo here for this. getting an actual taste of what chromatica should have been
  10. yeah that was a flop lol ticketmaster shut me out bc of an error saying my device wouldn't let me buy and i needed to try something else i was about to purchase the only $91 left in the nosebleeds since everything else was super inflated via resale.... oh well. Not the show for me, at that point $250 is better spent on festival passes
  11. Oof well I’m gonna try for the $90 ones since I don’t have too much $$$ atm. We’ll see how it goes
  12. I think the presage is for Citi cardholders or smth like that
  13. Omgggg any idea on how expensive tickets might be??
  14. THe Biden admin and democrat party proving themselves to be the liars they truly are.
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