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Everything posted by PopEmergency

  1. I had no clue and wrote „1 Dollar“
  2. i bet this version right here in the picture will finish sooner
  3. and every silver submission has more points then my grey pedestrian look
  4. the way this is written screams meltdown (rightfully so after not being able to say anything) probably her team posting that to make her seem unstable and agressive to keep her in the cons.
  5. he ran out of paper and had to go to the store to pick some up
  6. round 7 is going to be silver, isn't it?
  7. thank the dog for excluding silver... a metallic grey... in the grey round
  8. But i loooove the drama that's happening in a round that doesn't even include a color
  9. 1. what is up with the drama all of the sudden 2. changed my submission, serving pedestrian realness 3. @little legend starting next round you have to specify the colors more... what kind of color? shiny? matt? metallic? sheer?
  10. i hope everyone submits something silver i know i did
  11. judge 6 sent me a private message and asked me to tell you
  12. do i submit grey pedestrian or something silver and pray for colorblind judges this round?
  13. heidi doesn't wear grey... like literally NOTHING except predestrian supermarket realness
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