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Everything posted by PopEmergency

  1. And she's referencing Bad Romance, would be kind of unprofessional to mix it into an ASIB song i'm guessing it's LG5 / early-Chromatica... it fits the theme
  2. It's out there Apparently written during Joanne sessions Can't link it obviously but let's talk about it! IT'S AMAZIIING
  3. She needs money Oreo Promo, HausLabs Promo, Tudor Promo, and a little gagavision and SC lyrics to keep the gays quiet
  4. well... i mean... TikTok is involved... what isn't awkward?
  5. ugh not me craving spinach & ricotta ravioli at almost 11 pm now
  6. ravioli with what filling? spaghetti can be versatile too, you can do so much with them
  7. someone likes to being extra in here serving side dishes
  8. I'm already here for Veronica Green and Asttina Mandella
  9. willow (bloody witch version) willow (gingerbread witch version) willow (christmas b*ch version)
  10. chromatica ball gonna be cancelled next didn't the weekend postpone as well?
  11. well, it says in that message that they only host images for an hour before they delete them
  12. broken for me as well (on phone)
  13. i'm not even joking but it took me waaay to long to think of something i'm almost done with university cause i finished most of my remaining courses this year and i'm currently working on my bachelor thesis the world better be ready for a work force like me next year
  14. for me, the dancing witch version is the best (so far )
  15. She did it again and released another version for willow
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