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Everything posted by PopEmergency

  1. let's welcome our last musical act of the night
  2. i must be blind, i'm not even in the audience
  3. what? i'm pretty sure i didn't have this categorie when i voted
  4. what? i'm pretty sure i didn't have this categorie when i voted
  5. there was a reason why i voted for @corvus albus as best judge these comments are everything
  6. voted just in time for the special awards
  7. Heidi got the wrong time and came early on accident, she's currently waiting for everybody to arrive
  8. NBC bought the rights for it and there will be an American Song Contest in 2022
  9. Let me start "PopA911 Member Nudes Showdown Season 1" - Every round there will be a photo theme and every participent has to send in a qualifying nude
  10. Well… comparing my scores this season with the ESC scores of germany the last several years… i‘m f-ed
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