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little legend

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Everything posted by little legend

  1. It was a sad moment but at least she had already won an Oscar before, so I handled better that moment. The real depression for me was when she lost the Oscar to the first gay man ever. I was feeling so sad the next day cause I know that we have to wait for many more years for her finally become an Oscar winner. Thanks god we didn't have to wait that long
  2. I'm obsessed with Flowers, what a masterpiece Glad that Miley slaying cause she served quality I don't like the title though, " I Can Love Me Better" for me sounds better and sounds like a monumental title for a monumental song, "Flowers" is just so basic sounds like a filler song fron "Smile" album. . Also , I don't understand Flower's Spotify numbers. I can see it doing very good cause it's really a masterpiece. But how it's possible to serve record breaking numbers in it's very first day? These numbers make sense for Adele for example after coming back from 21 or 25 era or for Gaga after coming back from The Fame Monster era. Miley did not had that monster level hype. So it only makes sense to do nice numbers (since it's a great song) and since again it's a great song it makes sense to build up and gaining streams quickly over weeks or months , not suddenly since day 2 making record breaking numbers (which song totally deserves but still don't understand how it is possible to do these numbers)
  3. I remember the countless threads on ATRL with title: Gaga doesn't have a song over 100m streams on Spotify, why? These dark times
  4. When Bloody Mary lose the WW top 50 songs playlist exposure Shallow is slaying
  5. Do you think that ARUTW would have been bigger than Shallow if it was the lead single? For me makes sense for Shallow to be the lead single and Always Remember Us This Way to be the second single. Like Just Dance or Someone Like You(Shallow) as lead singles and then ARUTW as the second single would have been the new Poker Face/Rolling In The Deep
  6. Now that I am thinking about, we are so so lucky that somehow they chose the correct lead single for ASIB era. With these choices (Perfect Illusion and Stupid Love) I wouldn't be surprised if they had chosen Why You Did That as the lead single. We were so lucky.
  7. Imagine shading Chromatica's numbers Embarrassing Chromatica did not just good but actually amazing. It's numbers are breathtaking! Every other album that would had Stupid Love as the lead single would had negative streams daily updates like A-Yo. The fact that Chromatica is doing like 800k-900k daily streams despite having "that song" as the lead single is a miracle and just proves the potentials that Chromatica album had. Potentials which of course were eliminated by day 1 of Chromatica era which was the lead single selection.
  8. Petition to make the legendary @little legend a mod so we can avoid all the mess here
  9. I'm glad that Miley is smashing. She served quality and she definitely deserves the success. She and Gaga , were supposed to be "over" and forgotten pop stars. They survived not due to gimmicks or anything. If they would still depend on this, they would have been forgotten. But what's amazing is that they managed to stay relevant and have huge success only due to their amazing talent talent lasts forever and if you have talent you will never be really over and that's why both Gaga and Miley will shine for many many more years
  10. All these good news make me so happy. It looks that there is still good taste left in the world
  11. A reminder that US isn't the center of the world If song A is bigger WW than song B , it doesn't matter if song B is bigger just in the US, song A is still the biggest song
  12. It deserved to be a WW smash hit. Her first ( out of many) smash hits that went away
  13. the fact that in just two months we went from celebrating a +3k increase to not really be that excited that Applause for example wtinessed a +500k increase
  14. Little monsters are torture me Little monsters are torture me Little monsters are torture me The scars on my mind are on replay, r-replay-ay-ay
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