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little legend

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Everything posted by little legend

  1. wtf i thought he is going to win he was almost everytime on the top answers on the bright side : another rat out
  2. i lost 10 whole pts cause you choose ROM over Shallow for best collaboration song YOU RATS
  3. OMG we are already in the top 5 dont post so fast my poor heart cant afford the excitement
  4. TOP POSTERS IN THIS TOPIC FRANZGA94 posts Delusional84 posts little legend66 posts Lorde Von Kok58 posts WOW i am even on this list i am so awesome
  5. @Twitter i love you you are a flop but you are my favorite user
  6. Thats what you get for compating me with Ava Max
  7. it looks that i am heading for my second consecutive top 10 entry
  8. how they managed to get negative points? not that I'm surprised for them
  9. what's a @Twitter . i remember he used to be big a decade ago, now he is completely irrelevant
  10. From a Katy Perry stats to Ava Max stats An impovement indeed but i would be too proud about this
  11. yea i think we all find the top answer in most of the categories all except @Twitter and @CokeDestroyer i guess
  12. Also pls remove Ava Max!!! she isnt playing the game but its good to know that she also hasnt the probability to play it
  13. I am listening 1000 Doves right now after many many months and wow it sounds like a Russian entry on Eurovision I could actually voted fot it on the question about the song that plays on a russian taxi. Thank god i didnt vote for it and didnt lose points
  14. @FRANZGA you can eliminate both @Gypsy Life and @Clever Username we are all fine with this less competition
  15. @FRANZGA will you announce the winner of this day? or you will combine the results immidiately with the results of the previous time?
  16. if you eliminate Justin Bieber , then the game is a pure Fraudalence @FRANZGA
  17. Do you really voted for Justin Timberlake? CLOWNS whats next? voting for Ava Max for best pop girl?
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