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little legend

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Everything posted by little legend

  1. This forum is so good yet there are so few members and needs to be more active . We need more members , is there a plan ? We need promo, more people need to know about this forum, we ned an organised plan.


    1. Dirkje


      What you can do is promo via social media. If you have Twitter and gagastans are following you, invite them to the site. 

      Also what @Twitter said is true! Expect things to happen in the new year!

    2. little legend

      little legend

      @Dirkje i promoted a bit on ATRL :shakes: i have a Chromatica account on insta, i will promote it there too

    3. Dirkje


      Great! Running a forum is actually a big collaboration between the whole community. You can have a dedicated admin, but he wont be anywhere without the users. A forum where you see a dedicated community but the admin doesnt care, wont work either. 

  2. Willow is that song Some songs are boring tho
  3. I think the album is great. Willow is one of my favourite songs of this year. I would be happy if Gaga released an album like this , so mature, great melodies and etc. (Well ASIB is better but this is also great). The only nevative thing is that some songs are taking too long and they get boring
  4. My worst fear is obviously SPIDERS. I just can't even see them ,the way they move,they countless tiny legs ewww Im also afraid of airplanes , everytime i get in a plane its my worst hours of my life cause i think that in the next hour the airplane will fall and i will die. I am microbiophobic (ironically I'm a biologist) and I'm afraid of catching a desease. Also I'm afraid that in day me or any person in my family will die and i just git depressed. Especially i am thinking about my dog since he is 6 years old and probably wont live for more than 10 years and i just cant accept that and start crying cause i dont know what to do if i lose him. He is like my little brother What are yours? If I think about it more i probably could write at least 10 more fears i m also afraid of entering on forum like Gagadaily and ATRL because i am afraid that i will be banned because apparently calling Katy Perry a flop isn't considered very kind
  5. I also want to declare myself as the new Emperor of this cute site. @admin you are fired God Bless Me
  6. You are welcome . Thats just me , i am kind and generous. I am not doing this for everyone else but you,my fans.
  7. Wow an amazing thread ,thank you for doing this for us little legend
  8. Hello everyone! I decided to make this thread cause i think there isnt a thread like this to talk about general thoughts . Here we can talk about Gaga in general or just having a conversation or just having fun Pls dont get any negativity here Just be kind (god Gaga will make me hate this word) .
  9. POP emergency! 911!

    Little Legends, my beloved fans , the charts discussion thread is a mess and is currently closed. Dont worry, i wont fade away. You will hear about me in other threads, like trio challenge where i am going to win the trophy. I am doing this for my fans , you all give me so much strength, i love you. I am perfect and one reason for this, is cause of my fans. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. little legend

      little legend

      Huge fan of little legend here. I am a fan of you since i was 14 . You are amazing!

    3. little legend

      little legend

      Love you little legend:kiss:

    4. admin
  10. I am brave enough to assume that Gaga will release 2 albums in the next decade
  11. I think you win the game. Can you try it and see what will happen?
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