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little legend

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Everything posted by little legend

  1. The winner tribe of Round 2 is....... Congratulations!!! All members of the Back tribe have immunity for this round! Yellow tribe= 11.92 average score Black tribe= 12,58 average score Person with the highest score from Black Tribe gained a secret card! So Yellow Tribe you now have to 1 person from your tribe that you want to get eliminated So take a look at this list of people of Yellow Tribe and send me a message about the person and why you want that person to get eliminated YELLOW TRIBE: Fame Romance sadho little legend crazybadb*ch97 Clever Username Born In Chromatica PopEmergency Yellow Tribe you have 24h to send me your votes (only the Yellow Tribe votes) Also it's PHASE B , so if anyone has a secret card with code B , he can comment the code of his secret card if he wants to play that card See you all on the Tribal Council soon
  2. Pls reminds us(tag us) one day before the deadline. I want my submissions to be perfect so i need time
  3. We will see what others think about it
  4. Swiss Year-End Charts 2020 Shallow: 2018 YEC #22 2019 YEC #1 2020 YEC #24 ALL TIME #2
  5. Hey!!!!! Welcome Don't worry almost everyone here was banned from Fascism Daily. I know you are still pressed but you will forget about Censorship Daily soon. As more little monsters join this forum and gets bigger then that rat place will fade even more.
  6. Don't reveal it , you will be easy target now
  7. i can understand if someone is scared that the vaccine is too new and it can have side effects that we haven't studied them yet. But wow at that respose. How someone can be that stupid
  8. @Twitter wtf why you changed my iconic title to this boring title
  9. someone is thinking really positive
  10. Joanne wasnt a single ARUTW and INLA wasnt a single 911 wasnt a single GUY was a single. But she just made a video , never promoted it and basically she let it flop
  11. Hey little legends!!!

    Submit your artwork of little legend's Members Awards campaign and have a chance to win an original autograph from the one and only - LITTLE LEGEND.


    the winning artwork will be Billboards in New York, London , Tokyo and more. 

    Together we will create a brighter future!

    Vote for little legend!

    Vote for your lives!

  12. It's kinda sad that her last era that had more than 2 singles was Born This Way
  13. looks like i forgot to put a title
  14. let me guess, you only showed us these two , cause only these songs had positive % change ?
  15. The CHALLENGE was : Pick a Rihanna song and a Katy Perry song that would you want to be part of Gaga's discography VOTE FOR EVERY SONG EXCEPT YOUR SUBMISSION https://forms.gle/pvTC1v6g7ruDFsEH7 Which tribe will win?
  16. this season is a mess I will start Season 2 only when POPa911 has at least 10.000 members
  17. CHALLENGE : Pick a Rihanna song and a Katy Perry song that would you want to be part of Gaga's discography Hurry up
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