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little legend

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Everything posted by little legend

  1. i agree with the first one and strongly disagree with the second part of your post
  2. out of topic but i just saw this photo.It is showing up when you go to the hub. It's so cute
  3. so both you and @Gypsy Life were doing things with @admin interesting
  4. i remember that Admin randomly promoted other artists on Gagadaily, so their is a conspiracy theory that he wanted to ban some little monsters and bring other fanbases on the site, so he would gain more money cause his target group would be pop fans and not only little monsters There is also a second cospiracy theory that Gaga's team and Bobby were outraged that we are all complaining so much about the lack of promo and threated to sue FascismDaily or something like this
  5. i still dont understand why Fascism Daily mods woke up one day and acted like this the charts discussion thread was like the best thread ever. The most famous but still we had our great community away from the delusional locals that made posts like : i believe that Perfect Illusion was a WW smash , it even hitted #1 in France
  6. we have PTSD maybe in 10-20 years we will forget about it, maybe
  7. only way for miss @Gypsy Life to win something
  8. omg thats why @FRANZGA wanted to use the huge monster tag i guess until the members awards will be over , you can not trust anyone. Payola and tactics are everywhere here i love it
  9. Another proof that Europe is the best continent in the world
  10. i love so much threads like this, threads that we are all trashing Rat Daily
  11. but he experienced the #it is more likely to go top 3 than dont go top 3 days @Gypsy Lifethe way your prestige collapsed in a single day
  12. Actually when i was complaining about the lack of promotion that Traumatica era had , i was just banned for 3-4 months Then while i was just banned, they gave me permanent ban cause i was signed up on POPa911 mess
  13. 911 is the big winner of round 6 ROUND 7 : 911 vs Plastic Bag Comment below which one of these songs you would like to pass to the next round
  14. the fact that i was banned on Censorship Daily cause i made the following comment: Do not promote the first single - Check Do not promote the second single - Check Do not promote the brand new album- Check Promote Meth Labs- Check so banned cause i said the truth
  15. i was a Fascism Daily member and like most of us Chartsters were banned there. Then @ItsGenuineGuy09sent me a message on insta that there is a new forum for our chart community and so i joined
  16. Sad cause Chromatica had the potential to be the biggest pop album and top 3 overall in the UK
  17. First you stole my iconic fanbase name,now this I'm so iconic and everyone want to copy me 
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