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little legend

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Everything posted by little legend

  1. Stream the song that help all of us desperate chartsters that needed a smash to track. Stream Shallow ,the protector of Charts Discussion Thread.
  2. The streets outside the Members Awards venue right now: 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Madame X

      Madame X

      Ma'am there's people that are dying, stay home and watch online.


    3. BenG


      Peasants. I will be arriving in my chopper. Still on my private jet and watching this mess on live TV while sipping champagne and eating caviar.

    4. GitHub


      Hoping I get in as a seat filler this year *fingers crossed*

  3. Omg Planet_Chromatica says that Bobby knows about us ,that is lurking on POPa911 a lot of times and that Gaga loves us Omg
  4. It will be a kii if the site recognises GagaDaily as a foul language @admin make this happen
  5. From Planet_Chromatica insta account: LG7 before summer , LG7 was intented to be ARTPOP'S little sister but with ASIB success continuing in 2020 , they want to combine these two eras into one , i don't know how. So what's the truth?
  6. I don't know why some of you were surprised with this era. It's a fact that Gaga hates her fans. Otherwise we wouldn't have to endure the torture of listening to Lady Starlight's opening show at the artRave still having nightmares about this
  7. I'm team Gaga Now Ok so POPa911 twitter account better involve in that fight so more monsters will know that this site exists
  8. The reason i made this thread is cause i dont think she would been bigger without The Fane but her pop persona and crazy outfits made a part of the GP hated her. Unfortunately there are still people that think that Gaga hasn't talent and is just a attention seeker that is wearing meat all the time . If she debuted with ballads she would have been more easily respected like Adele and she wouldn't had to fight as much to prove her talent
  9. Shallow Oscars performance coming to outstream the whole Traumatica era
  10. The continuous Taylor Swift's lashings in this thread @entelawould have been really proud
  11. In this thread we are showing our frustration with how Cosmetica was treated for the no promo for Traumatica to the Meth Labs heavy promo this era was a mess. In this thread you can free yourself and your feelings.
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