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little legend

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Everything posted by little legend

  1. When Joker and LG7 will be huge bombs. Oh Katy Perry leave a spot for us on your boat
  2. Why would anyone want to see a Joker movie that is a musical? Also the first movie was so depressing. If Gaga wasn't involved, I wouldn't like to see another depressing movie like this.
  3. I have a feeling that today's update will be below 10m
  4. As long as it's a box office hit and everyone is talking about Gaga, we could care less about the awards. She will have countless other opportunities. I think being relevant and have people talk about you is more important right now
  5. But what about iTunes? #53 on UK, #65 in Australia, #69 in Canada and #75 in Germany on their respective YEC charts say that
  6. Another late Spotify update? I think today's update will be around 10,7m , validating that we peaked and the decline is starting. Let's hope we can stay above 10m this Friday for the last time
  7. Once again, Stupid Love damaged her music and acting career. She had a massive era with ASIB and how she capitalized this massive hype? By releasing Stupid Love Sorry but their numbers are what they should be. Who would want to pay to see a movie that the "Stupid Love singer" is starring. It will take 20 years to rebuild what we have lost with Stupid Love.
  8. Oh wow, without DWAS, Judas would have been #1
  9. And some of you dare to say that the radio has nothing personal with Gaga She is breaking streaming records for weeks now and the rat slugs radio hosts refuse to play the song If any other basic pop star was doing these numbers, it would had gotten like 10 spins daily, every day, from all the big radio stations. Radio, what's good?
  10. Let's start sending messages to these radios that the Bar Song causes as migraines and we demand to stop playing it .
  11. Gonna stream it from there tomorrow. Those extra 10 streams from me , will help it reach #1 on the greek Spotify chart
  12. What is E.O.Y. ? And are these filtered or unfiltered streams?
  13. I still can't believe that Born This Way had a 6th single, 10 years after it was officially released How crazy is this. And on top of that, Judas aka a pop masterpiece, is slaying on Spotify Heavy Metal Lover and Government Hooker are just waiting in the corner to be the next mega viral singles. Born This Way wasn't the album of the 10s cause it's just timeless. It's the album of every decade
  14. Θυμάμαι όταν η Μενεγάκη είχε πάει να δει το House of Gucci και είχε πει στην εκπομπή της ότι ήταν ότι πιο βαρετό έχει δει ποτέ I expected better reviews now, but still we are panned as we were during House of Gucci era. People just want Pop Gaga back.
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