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little legend

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Everything posted by little legend

  1. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGebqP8Fn/ 500k likes There are also a lot of other videos with over 100k likes https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGebqUEvp/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGebqP973/ Gaga's nose is so iconic
  2. LG7 era and Joker era better be the biggest music era and movie era respecitvely, of the 21st centruy , is she wants to compensate for all the suffering that we, her fans had to deal all this time
  3. whats a Lady GaGa? is she a make up artist that also covers songs from old people or something like this? that name seems familiar for a reason
  4. Maybe LG7 lead is a jazz single and she will debut it there
  5. wait she has Vegas shows from 19th of Junce since July 6th? so LG7 lead will be released on the second week of July at best or she can release it soon and then just let it flop with no promo or music video
  6. wasnt this happening since forever though? Gaga is since forever at the range of #55-#65 , we never post when she falls , but we always post the positive updates. So every other day we post : #58(+2) and we are all happy that she is back and the GP is missing her
  7. who is NESPRESSO and who is Sabrina? the new Ava Max?
  8. 4 friends have sent me a message since yesterday, asking me if Gaga is pregant I like how everytime Gaga is on the news, all my friends text me to tell me what they hear about Gaga also not the pregancy rumour getting so much media coverage
  9. is there any particular reason ( except talent) that Judas is constantly rising out of sudden? I know in the last years it was rising and rising but is there a specific reason for this sudden massive increase in the last 2 weeks?
  10. I'm starting to think that she will record LG7 lead this month
  11. I want to be hyped for LG7 era but then I remember that probably it will last 2 weeks and then we have to wait 6 years for LG8
  12. I can’t believe Gaga has 6 songs above 800K daily streams, the same as Ariana/Lana…etc despite no new era since 2020 also Bey with only 1
  13. I have a feeling that LG7 lead will be released before 2026
  14. you got the PRISM automatically in this last round
  15. no one. I just wanted to create anticipation cause otherwise anyone could easily predict the scores , since we know the results of round 8 and the leaderboard until round 7 I am surprised that no one complained about how extremely unfair that would be
  16. CELEBRITIES COLOURS SEASON 4 - FINAL LEADERBOARD #1 @Twitter 64pts #2 @boobatella 63 pts #3 @Daddy 60 pts #4 @danwasd 50 pts #5 @SLAG 48,5 pts #6 @Jeroin2000 40 pts #7 @SweetOreosOfHeaven 37 pts #8 @Sour Candy 35 pts #9 @thehanyo 34 pts #10 @Dean Judaster 26 pts #11 @Miaou 16,5 pts
  17. #1 @Twitter 64 pts @Twitter is the big winner of Celebrities Colours Season 4!
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