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little legend

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Everything posted by little legend

  1. That's what happened initially but thanks god @BenG found out that you were missing , just 2 hours before the ceremony and we had to vote quickly
  2. It's only me that thinks that something is wrong with the hair/face in this photo?
  3. #11 @Sir.Sim 3.5 pts Average score: 5.00 0.0 - THE PHOTOSHOP!!!! 4.0 - a bit too light to be navy imo. her head also looks photoshopped on? like why is it so big here? 6.0 - It’s alright. Her head looks photoshopped on 7.5 - It's fine 7.5 - I- .... wtf is this photoshop mess,wtf is wrong with her face....nice outfit tho"
  4. I know i am supposed to feel bad (i feel bad) but i am laughing so hard right now
  5. Breaking!!! Planet_Chromatica predicted correct all the judges
  6. Sorry professional judges for exposing us but LL productions want higher ratings and this round is a disaster
  7. For this round only: Judge n1 : @Bakugo Judge n2: @Joannesrats Judge n3: @BenG Judge n4: @corvus albus Judge n5: @little legend
  8. #12 @BadGurlMadge 3 pts Average score: 4.84 6.0 - a decent look 3.0 - i would comment on this but i don't have anything positive to say at this point 5.0 - A little boring 3.0 - I'm sorry, but this just looks hideous 7.2 - meh
  9. #13 @Gypsy Life 2 pts Average score: 4.56 6.0 - too glitzy 1.0 - not navy and what's her face doing? also transphobic 7.0 - Interesting and nice but not quite navy 1.0 - It's giving me, I didn't want to look long for a good outfit 7.8 - Gypsy Life serving colourblind judges
  10. Thank you , our judge panel has professionals this year
  11. #14 @PETTY 1 pt Average score: 4.40 0.0 - ew no shape, no drama. Nothing good thats for sure! 3.0 - a literal sheet. who designed this? 7.0 - Looks like curtains 5.0 - This just doesn't look very exciting 7.0 - not another bathroom curtain :S
  12. "#15 @Miaou 0.75 pt Average score: 4.36 4.0 - sksksks ok 2.0 - is she on drugs? also not navy or flattering or a good material and looks like a costume 3.0 - A decent outfit but not navy 6.0 - Not @Miaou having a decent outfit 6.8 - thats amazing for her standards!!! I am impressed"
  13. The next result will be delayed for about 5 mins cause i realized i must edit it cause ....
  14. #16 @NotDoctor 0.5 pt Average score: 4.10 2.0 - she couldn’t win the debate and she isn’t here. 4.0 - while it is navy, it is also garbage 4.0 - Boring 3.0 - The absolute average of outfits with a too dark blue 7.5 - grandma and elegant
  15. So this means that @Miaou is #16 or higher , so he already broke his personal record
  16. #17 @Fame Romance 0.25 pt Average score: 2.76 0.0 - this is black 2.0 - ?????????? 5.0 - Boring and not navy 0.0 - No 6.8 - this is terrible but at least she gives us something"
  17. "#18 @Lorde Von Kok 0 pt Average score: 2.70 Judges: 0.0 - 10.0 - sometimes a bold lip and confidence is all a woman needs to look her best. 1.0 - 0.0 - Ugly, hideous, awful, grisly, grotesque, hideous, horrid, unseemly, unsightly 2.5 - I-"
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