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little legend

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Everything posted by little legend

  1. I am just announcing that Season 4 is coming in 2024 and will be hosted by the Emperor aka @little legend Suffer
  2. I wish it could be a Season where mods wouldn't lose their mod status. Users wouldn't delete their accounts. Participants wouldn't stop at the middle of the Season and etc. This game is a giant mess
  3. Maybe We need all our professional judges to be here
  4. Omg i just saw that Bakugo's profile is deactivated
  5. Tonight is a celebration A time for all POPSTERS to come together and party. A time to be kind To share our kindness and stop fighting Tonight is a night of joy
  6. Nice? I'm nice to you and didn't make it a big deal. Otherwise I could see this becoming a huge drama yet again. With wps, closing of the thread, admin speeches and so on. So yeah let's move on and celebrate the Grand Finale
  7. Little legend has just arrived at the CC red carpet
  8. Interviewer Little Legend: Wow , I'm beyond happy that we have here Ava Max. The new IT Girl!!! 53 on UK, #65 in Australia, #69 in Canada and #75 in Germany on their respective YEC charts !!! That's really amazing
  9. We have AVA MAX performing for us. Show some excitement!
  10. It revived it for a couple of weeks and then the forum remained dead
  11. Breaking: Ava Max during her highly anticipated performance at Celebrities Colours Red Carpet ,made a statement against mods overusing their powers and called Corvus Albus to un hide the posts from decent humans that wanted to express their opinions in our democratic forum. At the end of her performance she screamed: Arrest me Corvus Albus IDGAF !!!
  12. Celebrities Colours Red Carpet has just started. Time for your red carpet outfits and your arrival to the Grand Finale. I am beyond happy to announce thatAva Max will open Celebrities Colours Red Carpet Give a round of applause for Ava Max and time to see her performance,while all of the participants arriving in the red carpet
  13. And why @PETTY's and @ARTPOP's posts were deleted? I didn't even read them. Unhide the posts now You ruin the ratings of the Grand Final
  14. Bring back the posts Enough with your fascism behaviours Ugly rats Stop hiding the comments from decent participants
  15. Why is this the last post i can see in this thread? I remember there were posts from @corvus albus and @Miaou shading Dua and Ava And i got 2 notifications that @PETTY and @ARTPOP quoted me. Where are all these posts? which rat mod overabused again his mod powers?
  16. I thought that corona virus only caused you loss of smelling things, not loss of hearing too
  17. Trying to calculate the final results and with the PRISM and TARGET effects is such a mess Thanks god the logistics and the bioinformatics are a field that LLs productions have invested and can support this hard challenge
  18. Red Carpet in 3.30 hours Grand Final in 4 hours Performances by Ava Max, Ed Sheeran, Lady Gaga and more Stay tuned!
  19. This reminds me of: #53 on UK, #65 in Australia, #69 in Canada and #75 in Germany on their respective YEC charts say that
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