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little legend

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Everything posted by little legend

  1. Of course the dates are doing fine. It will be an embarrassment if she couldn't sell out just 15 dates, especially after her last tour was 5 years ago
  2. The wat the GP is stiller stuck in the Fame era and completely ignore everything new Gaga releases that is not related to ASIB
  3. Aren't we all lucky? Just imagine how lucky we all are. We are living in the era that Bad Habits is playing everywhere and blessing our ears.
  4. Poker Face A reminder that Poker Face in 2009 was a WW monumental monster smash. Shallow in late 2018- early 2019 did not even touch 40% of Poker Face's success during it's emperial peak. Poker Face is the reason Gaga went from a pop girl with just a smash hit (Just Dance) to completely conquer the world and become already the new Queen of Pop Stream this monumental smash
  5. It's really different . Not sounds like a typical french entry. Last year they send the most french song ever( my favourite also) and now something total different. I think i like it
  6. Go here and write that this song reminds you of Shallow. So anyone that reads the comments will go after and stream Shallow in order to find the similarities
  7. Don't lose hope, we also thought that Frankensteined didn't exist but we were wrong
  8. YouTube is such a rat. In the last days it keeps giving me 20sec non skip videos after every video Fcking rat I was watching an 1hour long video and after 2 mins , i had an ad Twisted sick demonakdbkakdnbdbskjabsbkdlahfjlsjdjdkks jahajjfjdidj oksjjflao
  9. It was a crime that a mega star like Gaga only had 3 #1 singles in the US. Her stats with 5 #1 look very better now Even though Bad Romance was robbed And i am sure that if she had Katy's 2010 team, Telephone, Paparazzi, Starstruck, Monster and The Edge Of Glory would have been all #1 hits
  10. She better star in Batman 2 Ridley Scott was behind the new Batman right? That movie was a masterpiece.
  11. Fun fact: If Perfect Illusion was the next lead single after Shallow , it would have been a big hit. For two reasons: Attention before reading. This will be a full professional analysis from a professional with an exceptional/honest judgement and taste. So since we are in POPa911, you probably lack taste and the truth will make you pressed ,so maybe you should not continue reading. 1: Perfect Illusion is a masterpiece and just needed time in order to be found and appreciated by the GP. After Shallow, Gaga had hype and people were there to listen what's the next single will be. Perfect Illusion as an alternative song would have changed the landscape of pop. We would have lived in an world surrounded by masterpieces like Perfect Illusion and Midnight Skies that would have been spammed non stop on the radio. 2: Anything after Shallow would have been big hits. There is no way that huge hype to not create at least one big hit. I mean in order this to happen , aka to not become the next single after Shallow a big hit , it would mean that Gaga and her team took all the wrong decisions and release a very bad song.
  12. Not Estonia sending a mix of Lovers On The Sun / Hey Brother at the Eurovision What's good @boobatella The song is very nice tho
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