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little legend

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Everything posted by little legend

  1. i doubt her team even knows that radio is having a role on Billboard.
  2. so what was the point again of releasing the song one month in advance?
  3. Based on how professionals Gaga's team is , i expect a huge drop on Friday since HMH will lose at least half of it's playlist reach
  4. The fact that we are celebrating a #98 position in the 2nd week The new Katy Kats i fear
  5. And the impact of this on iTunes is HMH going from #3 to #8 and receiving zero boost
  6. omg Hold My Hand is playing on my university right now. It's the second time in 2 days i heard HMH playing on public A smash is waiting to happen
  7. This i saw posters on the metro, on the bus, everywhere!!!! And somehow they have zero budget for promoting Hold My Hand
  8. It's not something to be proud of. I would be ashamed to be Stupid Love and still keep these certifications. If it had any dignity it would have given these certifications back to Shallow
  9. Effect of the first public screenings of Top Gun in Italy: iTunes #7(-3) Hold My Hand Amazing for our standards Can't wait until Ton Gun to be out everywhere and Hold My Hand start plummeting even more
  10. For a Lady Gaga song that usually is plummeting on iTunes after the first week and for a song that has absolutely zero promo until now, it does pretty amazing on iTunes: Hold My Hand #3 Australia (=) #3 New Zealand (=) #4 Canada (+1) #5 Italy (+2) #6 Switzerland (-2) #11 South Africa (+67) #11 Switzerland (-5) #11 United Kingdom (-2) #19 Hong Kong (NE) #21 France (+1) #21 United States (-3) #22 Ireland (NE) #23 Denmark (-2) #23 Germany (-3) #32 Poland (-5) #32 United Kingdom (-6) #40 France (+16) #48 Austria (+45) #49 Sweden (+6) #50 Belgium (-15) #53 Canada (+4) #55 Brazil (NE) #62 Germany (+11) #67 Netherlands (-7) #73 Norway (NE) #83 Australia (NE) #90 United States (+7) #94 South Africa (-88)
  11. YouTube is amazing but it's so annoying with all these ads
  12. I mean that we don't have to wait a week but just one day
  13. Wait I just just this Does this mean that Top Gun is gonna make it's debut today in Italy? So tomorrow based on the increase HMH will have in Italy we can predict if it's gonna make it or not in general
  14. I have a feeling that today we will see a big increase on Spotify
  15. The amount of propaganda from the mods like @Daddy Fire them all and make me an admin Make POPa911 an imperial site again
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